Chapter 34

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When Luca realised what was happening, he managed to complete a rapid shift so that he could be in his stronger form and then darted out from under my mate as the transformation allowed him to fit between Finn's paws and slip out from his hold. Rapid shifts were always harder on us lone wolves but Luca didn't even look like he flinched at the transformation. He did seem a lot stronger than he was in my memories of him from before he joined Pack Cero.

But my mate didn't bat an eye and was ready for his next attack. I could tell from the deep dark of his eyes and the way he growled and presented his sharp canines, that he was livid and he was not going to let my brother get away with hurting me and taking me away from him.

I had expected Luca to run instead of fight because that's what us lone wolves did, we ran, but he stood his ground in an attacking stance and looked intently at my mate. Luca didn't think I had one, with no mate mark and me not mentioning it, so I wondered what he thought of this situation. I wonder if he was questioning why this random wolf had attacked him.

I was so glad Finn had found me because I couldn't stand to listen to Luca for a second longer. Even looking at my brother's face made me feel sick and I wanted nothing to do with him ever again. After today, hopefully he would be out of my life forever in one way or another.

In an act that completely surprised me, Luca charged at my mate with his teeth bared and pushed my mate to the ground. He lashed at my mates throat with his strong teeth and held Finn down with his sharp claws. But my mate was so much stronger than Luca could ever be, so Finn flung my brother off him so that he fell back quite a distance by the force of Finn's paws.

This time Finn was on him and aiming for the jugular to subdue him, maybe even kill him, I did not know. I tried to figure out if I would actually want my mate to kill my brother. Saying the sentence alone made me question everything. Could I really live with the knowledge that my own mate killed my only brother?

Maybe in another life it would be a completely atrocious act, but Luca had done so much to hurt me and so much to hurt others that I really had lost all love for him. He had become the bane of my existence and the brother I knew was gone so why should I care if he died, when in reality he already died a very long time ago.

Luca, somehow, managed to find the strength to push Finn off him just enough that he was able to slip out from under my mate again. This time Luca did run and Finn tried going after him but he was obviously nowhere near as fast. I thought for sure that this was it though, that Luca would leave for good and never turn back but then he leaped out from behind some bushes and onto my mate's back. Even I hadn't seen how or when he got there.

Now my brother had the upper hand. He was on my mate's back digging his claws into my baby's precious skin and I saw complete red at the sight of seeing him hurt my beautiful mate. I wanted to badly to help but Luca had only just injected me with more wolfsbane so I could hardly even sit up. The sound of my mate's growls, mixed with whines from the pain, as he began to bleed from the wounds Luca inflicted broke my heart. And then, Luca was sinking his deadly teeth into Finn's neck and my heart well and truly shattered at the sight before me as Finn fell to the ground, no longer able to keep himself standing.

My brother was going to kill my mate.

"Finn!" I shouted with everything that I had, hoping the sound of my voice would give him the strength to push Luca off him somehow. The tears were falling down my face in rapid succession and I saw Finn look at me and we both whimpered in pain together. Finn couldn't die. Please, Goddess, don't let my Finn die and not by my brother's hand.

I wondered what my parents would be thinking in this moment. To watch their eldest son kill their youngest son's mate, before taking the younger one back to a life of solitude and despair and sadness.

I never even had a chance to fully mate with Finn and I thought about what Gia had told me earlier that day as my tears made my vision blurry and I could barely see what was happening anymore. I thought about the way that Finn would hold me and kiss me and cuddle me and keep me warm and calm and safe in his arms. I thought about all the beautiful moments we shared together and all the moments we could have had, but now never will because he was about to die right before my eyes while I was powerless to even try to help him.

I thought about the future we could have had. There would have been a marriage and I would have been the one to propose, and not because he wouldn't want to or be too scared or nervous to ask, but I simply would have done everything in my power to beat him to it. We would have had a beautiful little wedding where I could show everyone in the pack how much I loved this man and how loved he made me feel every second of every day. We would have changed our surnames to Rollin-Stone and Finn would make a joke to everyone we met that it sounded just like the band. We would have had a few kids that we would have made sure we gave silly but precious middle names too, and showered with our combined love and affection.

"Finn," I croaked out over my tears, wanting to say his name one last time while he was still here to hear me say it. "I love you," I added so that when he closed his eyes and let all the pain wash away, he would die knowing that he was loved and always will be.

But then in the last second, when I was sure he was finally going into the afterlife, he let out a mighty howl and got back onto his paws and bashed his back against a tree, crushing Luca, and shocking him with the sudden impact, that he unhinged his teeth from my mate's neck and fell to the forest floor. Finn instantly turned around and started slashing and biting and clawing at Luca with all his might and this time it was my brother that whimpered in pain. Then Finn held Luca to the ground with his paws, this time making sure his grip was so strong and secure that there was no way Luca could escape again, not that my brother had any strength left to fight from the wounds he had been inflicted with now.

Finn turned to me and looked me straight in the eyes with his teeth bared and breathing heavily. He was still bleeding a lot, but already some of it had healed to, at least slow, down the bleeding a little bit so that he didn't pass out. He seemed to be asking me a question with his eyes and I nodded knowing what he was asking permission for.

"Kill him," I said out loud, in case I hadn't been clear enough of what I wanted. Maybe I would have to live the guilt and the pain and the regret of this decision for the rest of my life, but in this moment I didn't care. Luca had done so much to hurt me and the thought of him killing my mate, just as he had killed Lucien, brought me such pain that I was sure if Finn didn't make it out of here alive today, then I would have done everything in my power to meet him in the afterlife because how could I go on living in a world without Finnegan Wilbur Rollin by my side.

Once Finn knew that I had wholeheartedly given him the okay, he sunk his teeth straight into my brother's throat. He bit down hard and didn't stop even as Luca howled in agony, only releasing his hold when Luca's howls were no more and his breathing had stopped completely. It was the most merciful death he could have received, painful but quick, and now the curse of my brother's existence and control over my life was finally over.

My brother was dead. My whole family was dead. I was all that was left of the Stone lone wolf family now. And maybe it was for the best.


And Luca is no more!

Ngl I got sad just writing about Finn almost dying, my poor baby 🥺

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