Chapter 8

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"So, you refuse to listen to me again?" He said in that calm terrifying voice.

"I refuse," I replied.

"I am your Alpha." His deep voice reverberated around the room. My brother said nothing, wouldn't even look me in the eyes.

"You're no one to me."

"No one?" he chuckled. "You can talk back to me, disobey me, insult me, for as long as you like. I have plenty of patience. But there will come a breaking point when you won't be able to resist submission any longer and, just like everyone else, when you crumble, I'll be right here to watch you call me Alpha begging me to give your life meaning again."

"I won't let you break me."

"Oh Weylyn, I can already see the cracks. It's just a matter of time." With that he turned to one of his men and told them to put me back in the cells.


Another week in the Navarre pack went by in a blur. I tried not to think about my past too often, but I had seen Alpha Brudus three more times in the past seven days and each time he pestered me about telling him the truth, which of course I did not do, which made not thinking about the past quite difficult. The injury I had sustained when I ended up here had healed significantly, both internally and externally. It was still sore but I could manage quite a lot easier now and was hoping to finally let my wolf out again today.

Things with Finn had been going well since our first kiss and when we were alone in his room, or a hidden corridor, my lips always found his once again. This time we were being daring and making out in the kitchen as Finn's younger sisters had left for school leaving us alone in the room at last.

His lips were so plump and soft and I loved the dazed look that adorned his face whenever we stopped. One of his favourite things to do, I discovered, was bite. He did it gently, always, but he loved biting my lips, my neck, my ears even, and I can safely say I loved it.

We were pulled apart though by the sound of the patio doors opening, but I didn't let go of my arms that were still wrapped around my mate's neck, as I turned to see who it was.

"Hi, Natalia," Finn said a little flustered as he greeted the short girl. She must have only been around 5'3" with gorgeous chestnut brown eyes that matched the colour of her curly hair; her tanned skin glowed in the sun. She seemed a little bit older than the two of us. I said hello to her too wondering who she was.

"Weylyn, you remember last week I told you how someone on patrol spotted me when I kind of walked off that one night?" I nodded. "Well, that was Natalia here. I owe her a lot of gratitude," my mate explained.

"Which you give me all the time! And I tell you each time I was just doing my job," she said jokingly.

The pair continued to argue back and forth a little bit in a friendly manner before I thanked her too for what she had done and then she started arguing with me, as well, about not needing to apologise about anything. In the end we were at a stand-still with me and Finn refusing to not say thank you and Natalia very adamantly having none of it, so we all decided to just agree to disagree.

"Anyway, I brought by more clothes like you asked." Natalia said explaining why she had come here. Finn had told me a couple days ago that he was going to have someone bring me more clothes to wear, as I had very quickly gone through the first stock of outfits Finn had bought me and he didn't want me to only have a few pieces to wear all the time.

Me and Finn had brought the bags and bags of clothes upstairs and were meticulously folding them or putting them on hangers to go in the walk-in wardrobe when he told me he was going for a run in his wolf form later, and that Alexis would be coming over to look after me again.

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