Chapter 30 (18+)

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"Why don't you let your body heal?" he asked but I quickly shook my head to say no because I didn't want that. "Okay, okay. Try not to talk too much then unless necessary, don't want you to strain your throat," he said as he bent down and placed kisses all over said throat. It made me smile big and wide because it tickled a little and because it was so affectionate.

"I love you, my little dove. I love you so much," he cooed next to my ear which only made me smile even wider.

"," I croaked out. I know he told me not to strain my voice unless necessary, but it seemed very necessary that I responded right now.

He hugged me tight and ran his finger all over my body, sending tingles shooting through from the tips of my fingers to the tips of my toes. I shivered at his touch as he held me close and comforted me. He was more than anything I could have asked for. I loved how confident he had just been and knew that he was finding himself and figuring out his sexuality. I mean of course I knew he was happily bi but now he was figuring out what he liked in the bedroom too and it was clear that he was a switch just like me. As if he couldn't be any more perfect.

I snuggled into him and let him hold me because that was all I wanted right now. I was a bit of a masochist, but I would have been deeply hurt if he didn't take care of me after doing the things he did. I was honestly happy to let him do whatever he wanted, as long as he took care of me afterwards. Aftercare was so important to me; important that I get it and important for me to give to him if he was the one being submissive.

Clearly, we had developed a slight dominant/submissive relationship with us switching our roles depending on how we felt. It was his job to take care of me when I was feeling vulnerable and wanted to be taken care of, and my job to do the same for him. It wasn't too intense, or maybe it was intense, but it was at a level that I loved. As much as he could make me feel used, he made me feel so loved and I couldn't figure out how he did it. I always thought that if I were in a relationship like this, I would feel more like a toy than a person that the other cared for, but that is not the case, and I couldn't be happier.

"Let's clean you up love," he said as he went to stand up with me still in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms were already around his neck. His hands cupped my ass which made me twitch a little from the pain, so he swiftly moved his hands to my thighs to hold me up instead. I would have been happy for him to keep his hands on my ass though.

"I was thinking we could shower, if you're not gonna heal then you probably don't want to sit down in a tub," he said giving me a kiss on the cheek and carrying me to the bathroom.

When we got to the bathroom, I looked at the mirror and could see that my bum was extremely red and inflamed and looked bruised in areas. He really hit hard to make me bruise but I just smiled into his shoulder as I stared at what he did to me.

He turned the water on for the walk-in shower, letting it get warm before he would put us both under the steady stream. He did this all the while still holding me and not letting go. He was so strong, and I loved it. As a werewolf we were both stronger than humans, but even with my added strength, I doubt I could have lifted Finn up the same way that he could lift and hold me, especially for extended periods of time. I salivated at the thought of him holding me up and fucking deep into me with his cock with my back pressed roughly against a wall.

"Think you're ready to stand for me?" he asked politely, and I nodded my head. I couldn't have him hold me up in the shower too, I didn't want to be a bother. He walked into the shower still holding me though before he gently put me down. He had set the water to a gentle pressure option so the water felt soft against my skin which was nice because my body couldn't handle anything too rough now.

I lifted my head up and let the water wash over my face quickly before Finn grabbed the loofah and gently rubbed soap all over my body. He refused to let me do anything for myself, shampooing and conditioning my hair for me and even helping me wash my face with a face wash that he liked to keep in the shower. I loved my mate so much.

"You're so pretty," he said complimenting me which only made me blush and look down. "I love you," he told me again, then lifted my face back up to look at him and gave me a kiss to the lips and then my nose and my cheek and my forehead. It made me giggle and smile again.

Once he was done washing me, he washed himself. I kept my hands on his waist, but at a distance so he could actually put soap on his body. But I needed to touch him, to be close to him, so I didn't want to move my hands away from him. He allowed me to keep my hands where they were and then when he was done with the soap, he gave me a hug for a little while. He let go shortly afterwards, though, to wash his hair and I watched as he used his special shampoo and conditioner which he told me was better for curly hair. I loved his curls so much; I hope he'll let me wash it for him some day. I would have wanted to now, but I know he wouldn't have wanted me to; he would say that it was his turn to take care of me not the other way around.

Once we were done with our shower we got out and Finn towelled both me and him off. Then, unexpectedly, he picked me up again, my legs wrapping around his waist instinctively. "Don't want you walking around yourself when I can do it for the both of us," he said when I looked at him confused. I just shook my head with a smile in response and let him carry me back to the bed.

Luckily, we wouldn't have to change the sheets this time because when I came it had been straight onto his thighs, or his jeans really, and he came on my face, so the sheets didn't get dirty. Somehow Finn manged to get on the bed and lie down on his back, with me on top of him, without once letting go of me. He was so sweet to be taking care of me the way he does.

"Don't want you lying on your back with how bad your bum looks. I wasn't too rough, was I?" he asked, and I made sure to shake my head in a 'no' gesture against his chest. "I know you told me to keep going and I like to think you trust me enough to tell me to stop if you wanted me to. I nodded to tell him yes. "So, you like it when it's a little painful?" I nodded again.

"Well, I want you to always expect me to give you so much love and affection once we're done. I love when you're such a good boy for me like that. Gotta make sure I take care of my little dove afterwards," he said which made me smile so lifted up my head to kiss him on the lips. Then I hid my face in the crook of his neck as he chuckled. I loved the sound of his laugh, in every form that it greeted me. I just loved it when he was happy. I was terrified of finding him in pain and so sad like the day I found him crying and hurting himself. If I was ever going to cause my mate pain, I wanted it to be the good kind and in the bedroom.

We were laying happily in bed and enjoying each other's company when we heard someone knocking at the door. Finn apologised for having to let me go and covered me in the blankets so our guest wouldn't see me naked. He put on some shorts himself and quickly went to open the door only to find Maeve on the other side. He spoke to her about something and then opened the door wider so I could see her too. I peered out at her from under the covers not wanting to expose myself too much. I wish she didn't come here now I just wanted to be at peace with my mate.

"Sorry to disturb..." she said trailing off, probably having realised that we were being intimate. "It's just, I thought the two of you would want to know right away. Rowan killed himself in the cells."


Okay but I love writing aftercare scenes because they're so cute they make me feel like this emoji ---> 🥺

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