James Potter

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This imagine has been requested by KaylaRiddle_2207 ! I hope you like it luv. 😊

James Potter x Reader


(Y/N) (Y/L/N) and James Potter have been friends ever since they were in diapers. As they grew up together James has developed this feeling that he had to protect her. What he didn't know was that this feeling was because he loved her. This attitude carried into their years of Hogwarts together. (Y/N) became like a sister to most of the Marauders. But the boys always liked to poke fun at James, because of he blossoming crush on the only girl in the group.

It just so happend that Sirius and (Y/N) had been partnered together for a potions project. And James, well James was stuck with Remus. James was not having it, every two minutes he would look up at you Sirius. The fourth time doing this was a mistake. James looked up only to see (Y/N) laughing while putting her hand on Sirius' bicep. "James watch you grip you're going to...," Remus starts. Before Remus could finish they both heard a snap. James looked down and noticed that he snap his quill in half. "Snap," Remus finishes. "You really love her James." "With all my heart," James replies.


"James wait up!," I shout to my best friend. James only walked faster. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turn to see none other than Remus. "Give him some time, I'm sure he'll come around," Remus said. "I hope your right Rem," I reply.


That was a week ago. I have James his space and spent most of my time with Sirius. We were currently studying in the common room when I hear a slam coming from the entrance. I look up from my textbook only for my eyes to be met with James. Sirius, who laying on the same couch as me, looked up to see who or what caused the noise. "Pads I need to talk to you now!," James voice boomed throughout the common room. "Alright mate, what's up?," Sirius quizzes. "Alone," James says lowly before grabbing Sirius' sleeve bringing him to the other side of the common room. I hear whisper yelling, but I continue studying my textbook and it's content.

A few minutes go by and I hear a thud. I jump out of my skin and look to see the source. And it was Sirius. "You need to stay away from her she's mine!," James says. "Who's yours?," I question walking up to James. "You," James mumbles. "Me," I repeat. James nods his head before looking down. Sirius gets up briefly saying that he would give us tome space. "(Y/N)," James starts as he takes both of my hands into his. I nod letting him know that he can continue. "Ever since we were little, I loved you. As in more than friends," James says before pausing. "I didn't realize this until our second year. I thought this need to protect you was me just looking out for you and being there for you. But I soon realized it was love," James finishes. "I love you (Y/N)," James says before pressing his lips to my hands. But I lean down and kiss him on the lips instead. I place my hands around his neck playing with his hair. This kiss was full of desperation and passion. I loved every second of it and didn't want it to be over. But all good things come to an end. Once we broke away for air, shortly after catching my breath I confess. "James I've had a crush on you ever since I met you. I love you," I say. (Y/N) didn't have to say more before James attacked her lips again, this time with more dominance. This was completely different side of James I didn't know about, all I knew was that it was drawing me in. "You're mine now," James says with a slight pout before kissing my nose. I giggle at his antics and nod; "Of course I'll be yours."

"Finally!," a voice says. James and I jump only to see Remus, Sirius and Peter standing at the bottom of the stairs that led to the male dormitories. "What are you guys doing here?," I ask. "Our plan worked," Peter said excitedly. "What plan?," now it was James' turn to question. There was a pause before Remus answered. "We planned on making you jealous, knowing that you would confess your love for (Y/N)." "Your kidding?," James questioned as he held my hand. "I'm going to hex you guys into an oblivion," I shout before chasing the boys. That's my girl.

A/N: I appreciate your kindness and support, KaylaRiddle_2207 it really makes my day. ❤️

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