53. Making Them Jealous (Season 2)

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Gayatri's POV:
Gayatri: oh my god... Phaahaaahaaa...
Parth: Gayatri you are laughing and I am hella angry on him...

Yeah he is again angry on Kuwar Prithvi... I don't know why he can't trust on his skills... He prove himself by winning this competition that he is the bestest... But still Kuwar Ji is angry on him because he risked his life to reveal the truth of Kuwar Dhanraj... I know Kuwar Ji care for him... Kuwar Prithvi is his life, without him he can't even breathe... And now his anger is on his peak because he saw Kuwar Prithvi was dancing... He was shouting freedom... And he was saying that now he will get rid of the security guards because they will follow his orders not Kuwar Ji's order... Oh god Kuwar Prithvi you have put ghee on the fire... And now I have to work as water to extinguish this fire... We reached the living room where Dajiraj, Rani Maa, Rao Ji and Maharani Savitri devi was sitting... They were talking with each other... I saw Sameer Ji and Pallavi Ji was also sitting with them... They saw us... Rani Maa said...

Bhairavi: oh you both came... Come sit here...

Kuwar Ji went and sit beside Dajiraj making a grumpy face... Dajiraj asked...
Bhupinder: what happened Kuwar Parth???... You are looking angry...
Parth: because I am angry Dajiraj...

Bhairavi: but why???...
Parth: asked your younger son not me...
Bhupinder: oh so now he has become our son from your son...
Parth: Dajiraj I am already very angry on him please don't make me more angry...

Ratan: OK fine Kuwar Parth tell us what happened???... Why are you angry with Kuwar Prithvijit???...
Parth: because he is careless... He didn't think about himself... If Mahira didn't remember everything on time then... I don't want to imagine that what will happen... That's why I am angry on him... But he didn't care about anything... Right now he was dancing...

I again starts laughing... He glared at me... Maharani Savitri Devi asked...
Savitri: why you are laughing Yuvrani Gayatri???...
Gayatri: actually when we are coming here, Kuwar Prithvi was dancing because now the security is in his control now and he is free from the security guards... And that's makes Kuwar Ji more angry...

Parth: so what I care for him... But he cares for everyone except himself... I was going to have a heart attack when I saw that Kuwar Samar was about to kill him... He will never understand me...
Gayatri: do you understand him!!!...
Parth: what do you mean???...

Gayatri: I will make you understand... Rao Ji, after this competition what is your opinion about Kuwar Prithvi???...
Ratan: Well I think the future of Rajputana is in secure hands... I mean the way he exposed Dhanraj's reality, I have full trust on him and his skills...
Gayatri: and you Sameer Ji???...
Sameer: well for me Kuwar Prithvi is the Ray of hope... He came in our life like a sunshine... Like the darkness of the night is overcome by the sunshine Kuwar Prithvi also come like a sunshine and overcome the darkness of our lives...
Savitri: and the way he bring back Manu's memories is just speechless... I think if Manu didn't remember everything at that time he may dodge Kuwar Samar again and again until Manu remember everything...

Gayatri: Dajiraj, Rani Maa what is your opinion about him...
Bhupinder: Well for me both of my sons and my daughter are my life... I feel blessed when people said that they want their children to be like them.. I can trust them more than my life...
Bhairavi: I know that I couldn't able to give time to Kuwar Prithvi but both of you raised him with good values and morals... I am really proud of you and him...
Parth: what do you want to say Gayatri???...

Gayatri: it's simple Kuwar Ji, here everyone trust him and his skills... Even after the competition the peoples of Rajputana trust him, except you... You didn't trust his skills... I know you love him, and cares for him but you are becoming possessive about him... Love is freedom but possessiveness is suffocation... He was feeling suffocating because of those security guards... I also care about him, but you know why he tell me everything not you, because he knows that you take unnecessarily tension... And he didn't want to bother you... I was in tension when he went to Jaipur when I was not here, but after talking with him he told me everything, then I was confident that he will be successful in getting some clue about that culprit... Yeah he didn't told me about Mahira because I know he didn't want to risk her life... As he said in a palace, the walls has also ears, that's why he didn't told anyone about his plan... Just try to understand his point of view Kuwar Ji... Now your son is grown up, don't try to control his life, try to become his friend... Then you will see he will share everything with you...

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