chapter -11

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everyone was  left shocked after seeing riddhima in that condition her head was bleeding .....she had lied on the floor uncouncious...everyone was hell scared after seeing her in that condition , but the most terrified person was vansh his eyes were filled with many emotions ....all hurried towards riddhima ....

but vansh was the one  who reached there first ...he immidietly took her in his arms and started panicking ....he was patting on her cheeks to bring her in her senses....

vansh : riddhima wake up plz ....this is not any joke ..i know you want to punish me are hell angry upon me but this is not right can't punish me like this ....just wake up damnit ...a lone tear escaped from his eyes.....

he was not in his senses after seeing her in that condition feels like if anything would happen to riddhima ..he would be  die seems  like his life  depends upon riddhima ...

riddhima plz wake up "vansh said ,

dadi : vansh leave her what are you doing ...she needs treatment ...

but vansh was totally ignoring her ...he was madly saying ...riddhima plz wake ..this is the only thing  which he was saying from last five minutes....

dadi went angrily towards him and tries to part them away from each other ...

but vansh was not letting her do that ...he hugged  her more tightly and says i will not leave her ....everyone tries to make him understand but he was hell bent for not leting her go away from himself ....he only says i will not leave my riddhima ...riddhima plz wake up ...

dadi slapped him hard on his face  for his madness and he came back  to his senses ...

dadi : don't you dare come close to her are responsible for her condition stop showing your fake concern ....because of you she is now in this condition....

she said while taking riddhima in her arms ...

he wanted to hold riddhima's hand but dadi stopped him .....

dadi : take her to her room ..

vansh was about to take her in his arms when dadi said kabir will you help me ... can't you see her condition ...what are you waiting for ???....

kabir hurried towards them and took her in a bridal style ...

here , vansh was furious after seeing riddhima in his arms but more than that he was scared....this time he only wants to see her well ....

while dadi said ...siya call the doctor ...

here, ishani and neha was very happy ..after seeing her in that condition but at the same time they were angry after seeing vansh care and madness towards her .....

after 20 minutes ....

everyone were waiting for doctor to come out from riddhima's room ...

when doctor comes out of the room..vansh hurried towards her and asked her ....

how's she ....she is fine right ...plz tell me doctor ....

doctor : relax mr vr ...

vansh : stop beating out the bush ...just tell me riddhima is fine na (not knowing what is he saying )......

while nobody pays any attention on his words except neha ....who was hell furious after listening this ....

neha (thinking )...god this bitch...its good to see her in that condition but i wish she never regain her conciousness ever ......just look at him ....kaise mara ja rha hai riddhima k liye ....(how is he getting die for riddhima)....

dadi ; vansh just shutup now ....what are you doing ..are you mad ....just let her speak  ....from last five minutes only you are speaking and not  letting anyone to speak ....

now vansh understands about his behaviour .....(but he was completely unaware of it...why is he behaving like this).....

doctor : dont worry ...she is fine now and yes she lost lots of blood so she needs to take complete rest for somedays as her body is weak ...

i guess she got an attack because of fear and tell me one more thing .....  did she skip her medicine.....i think she had not taken her medicine thats why she was not able to fight it more and got an attack .....

yes , she had not taken her medicine replied dadi ....

not able to understand anything vansh interrupts again ...while dadi got angry and takes doctor with her for not getting  more dissturbance by this mad man ....

doctor : once again i am saying take care of her medicine is not good for her to skip it ....well i gave her an injection so she will come to  her senses by tomorrow....

dadi : tankew so much doctor i will be careful this time ....

here , vansh wants to meet her but dadi didn't want anyone to meet her as she doesn't want her to get disturb  by anyone everyone left from there except vansh ....

vansh : dadi plz let me meet her for once ...plz

dadi : just shutup vansh why do you want to meet her ...i... i get it want to hurt her more ....but let me clear one thing don't you dare to do this again .....

no dadi nothing is like that i just want to know she fine ??.... i want to see her ..plz dadi for once ...said vansh (pleading eyes)..

no vansh don't you think to go infront of her ....stay away from her ....from now will not see her face and this is my order .....saying this she went inside riddhima's room and locked it from inside she wants to be with her thats why she decided to sleep with her ....

here vansh could only say ...dadi plz....but it was too late ...she already went inside her room .....

kabir's pov

thank god riddhima is safe now ....but i was not getting any good vibe from vansh ...i mean the way he behaved ....he behaved like a mad man .....i know he is a pshyco but was new for me .....maybe i am overthinking  ....maybe he was feeling guilty for locking her inside the room  ....
end of pov

angrey's pov ...

how could boss locked her inside the room ...i don't know more about her ....but i am sure she is so innocent ...she can't do anything like that ....i can see innocence in her eyes.....but how was boss  behaving with her .....he was behaving like a pshyco ....but thank god she is safe now....

end of pov ...

neha's pov...

i can't loose my vansh....i have to do something otherwise that witch would snatch him from me....

end of pov ...

that's it for today's episode.....
as i can feel you guys were eagerly waiting for next chapter here it is hope you will like it ......lots of love to you all 😘😘

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