chapter _43

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five days passed... , vansh had not came infront of riddhima but at night he went to her room so that he could see her face riddhima has fully recovered....she used to spend her most of the time with dadi and uma , and sometimes she talked with kabir and angre too making vansh angry but vansh couldn't help it as he knew if he would do anything like that then he will end up loosing riddhima ....somehow he controlled his anger after witnessing his riddhima close with other males including chaser....

riddhima was laying on her bed she was in deep thought

riddhima's pov

during these days , i have not seen ishani and vansh seems like they are not here in vr mansion...infact no one has talked about them...where are they??...should i ask aunty ....i think  they left this mansion but why will they do this for me and especially vansh why will he leave his house for a servant ....but why he accepted my condition of staying away from me.....i know him he doesn't like get orders and that too from me whom he hates so much .......but why even i m thinking about him , its his choice and the most important thing he supported his sister in her wrong doings and i would not forgive him for this .....
end of pov

thinking this she falls asleep

after one hour

vansh was unable to sleep as he didn't see riddhima's face today so he decided to go in her room and it was already 1am he thinks  she must be sleeping right now ..... thinking this he enters in her room...

by taking small steps he goes near her... sitting on the edge of her bed he moves his hand in her hair lovingly...

vansh's pov
you know riddhima you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen ....i saw many girl dying for just my mere attention but nobody had ever got it .....and see here i m dying for your attention and look at you are ignoring me like anything look very cute while sleeping its getting impossible for me to control ...every night when i see you sleeping with this much cuteness the very next movement i want to taste your lips.....but you wouldn't like it ...i want it with your consent .....what are you thinking vansh its wrong ...vansh inner voice came ...

vansh stops for a second but later he starts saying ... .

you know tommorrow i m going to Hyderabad know what?? it is the most important deal of my life , i will fullfil your every wish without your saying .....i don't know i will get your forgiveness or not but i will always be there for you will always get me beside you in your every problem....i just want my old riddhima back , who spent her every single second with his vansh ....plz come back , i miss those days very badly i want to spend those days again with you.....i don't know what is this feeling??....i just can't see you going away from me , I can't spend a single day without seeing your face ,what if you will leave me ??...this mere thought makes me restless you have no idea , spending a day without you is just a punishment for me..... infact you know those days were better than these days...atleast you were talking to me ....but nowadays I can't come infront of you talking to you is far away....why you are doing this to me , you have no idea i m dying at every passing minute plz come back.......
end of pov

thinking this a lone tear escapes from his eyes , he wipes his tears before it fall on riddhima and says...i know you won't fogive me infact you hate me .....but keep one thing in your small brain that you are mine you are only mine and if you are thinking of going away from me then just forget it sweetheart because it would never happen have to be with me either you want or not and if anybody tries to snatch you from me then i will rip his head from his body , and i don't know what will i do with if you don't want to see any death body then its simple just forget about going away it sweetheart

this time his words his tone  his eyes were showing extreme possessiveness and obbesation for her ........

saying this he took her hand and kissed her both hands with love and possession...then he kisses her on her forehead ....later he goes to his room...

vansh was laying on his bed he was thinking something ....

tommorrow i will go to Hyderabad then how will i see my riddhima ,...and i know she would not talk me then how will i live there ....i just can't imagine a day without her ......i have to do something but what think vansh ...

suddenly something strikes in his mind and then he calls angre...after two full rings he picked up his call

vansh : how dare you , i was calling you from long time and now you are picking up my call ...

angre : boss i was sleeping , i m sorry there anything important that you called me this time...

vansh : yes , angre it is the most important work I can't ignore it , just come to my room...

angre : okk boss just give me two minutes i will be there...

saying this he hurried towards vansh's room where vansh was waking here and there worriedly...

boss what happened???..has anybody tried to do something  ....asked angre tensed...

no no angre nothing is like that ....says vansh

then whats the prblm boss ??..

actually its a very big problem , i want hidden  camera right now ...

but boss what will you do with hidden camera i mean whats the need of Hidden camera if you want i can bring CCTV camera morever what will you do with camera at this hour...???..

because tomorrow i m going to Hyderabad i want hidden camera so that i can keep my eyes on my riddhima .....(he says without knowing what is he just saying )....

here ,angre being confused asked him but boss why do you want to keep an eye on riddhima she is neither your rival nor your enemy ....

here , vansh came back to his senses and gets to know what he just blurted out ......

do you think vansh raisinghania does anything without any reason ....there is a very big reason behind it ...and don't you dare to say anything about my plan or else vansh says while covering up ...

no no boss i wouldn't say anything to anybody you can trust me for this .. i will bring that camera tommorrow ...

noo ...vansh almost screams and says...i want it right now go and bring that within one hour ..i don't know anything ...

after 30 minutes vansh was waiting for angre when he comes with camera ..he hurriedly took that from his hands and said ...

you can go angre while angre nods his head and moved back to his room ....

here vansh reaches at riddhima's room and fixes that camera near her bed so that he could see her while sleeping ....

after fixing that camera he again kisses riddhima and comes out from her room happily...

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