chapter -24

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vansh riddhima , shaheer chaser went back to party .....but dadi, siya and uma were not present there , vansh calls siya.....

where are you ???.... asked vansh

siya : actually bhai , dadi was not feeling good as you know she doesn't like crowd we left for vr masion....

vansh (angrily) : and you left riddhima alone ....

siya : but bhai ishani told me that riddhima will come with you ....that's why we left her there ....but bhai why are you angry ...??..what happened ??..

vansh : umm nothing siya , i was just worried for her thats why i got angry ...and don't worry ...everthing is fine , we are coming back ....

after cutting her call vansh turns towards riddhima and says ....(teasingly)....

so , you wanted to spend sometime with me , thats why you told ishani , you will go home with me...seems like someone is so desperate to spend time with me .... isn't it???...

riddhima (confused)....what are you trying to say....i am not getting it ...

on which vansh says....o comeon sweetheart just accept it you wanted spend sometime with me ....siya just told me you informed ishani that you would go vr mansion with me ....

riddhima (thinking) : so, it was all ishani's plan ...she intentionally sent me to tarace and that boys were sent by her ......i never expected she could stoop this much low.....but ishani you have to pay for this sin ....i can compromise with anything but now with my self respect i get it ....that sorry and all was just a drama could you ishani could you play with anyone's dignity are a back spot upon the name of a girl....i would not leave you this time ishani raisinghania ......

she was so lost in her thought when vansh snapped ....

where is ishani ??....

I don't know... with hatered...replied riddhima...

vansh could feel hate in her words , but he ignored and left to find ishani but before going he said...

riddhima just be here with chaser i will be back in two minutes ....and its my order don't you dare to go anywhere , just be with chaser until i come .....

okk .... replied riddhima ...

once again she thinks about that tarace incident and ishani's plan....tears started rolling down from her eyes.....when shaheer comes to her ...he left her alone with vansh because he knew if he would be with riddhima , vansh would not like it ...but when he saw his best friend
crying ....he couldn't stop himself and vansh was also not there he decided to ask her ......he comes to her and asks...

riddhi what happend why are you crying ....i know , today's incident was so horrible but chaser saved i don't want to see this tears are safe now ... don't cry plz..

she just hugged him and says....shaheer i m not crying for what happened but you know what , who is responsible for it ......she was about to take ishani's name when vansh angrily pulled her towards him ....her head hitted his chest hard.....he wraped his one hand around her waist  and pushed shaheer making him fall on floor .....but shaheer didn't get angry because he knew vansh is so possessive for riddhima ....

vansh (angrily) : you bastard how dare you touch my riddhima....i will chope you into pieces ....

shaheer : vansh its nothing like that are taking everything in wrong way ...

vansh : shutup , i would not leave you touched my riddhima saying this he held her more tightly....

riddhima was so scared for shaheer and she knows if she will try to take shaheer's side infront of him ...he would become more angry .....morever she can't let anything bad happens with  shaheer   gathering some courage she says...

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