8 | nervous

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"Well," I say to Jacob upon the two of us reaching my dorm, hesitating in front of the door

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"Well," I say to Jacob upon the two of us reaching my dorm, hesitating in front of the door. "This is me."

Jacob momentarily glances over at the door behind me, gaze skimming over the letters and numbers printed on the wood. I wonder to myself if he's trying to memorize my block number. The thought makes me smile.

"Thanks for walking me home," I murmur to fill the silence spreading out between Jacob and I. We talked the entire walk here, and yet I've never been good at goodbyes. I suddenly feel awkward, unsure of what to do with myself. It's not exactly like I can invite him in. However, I don't want to watch him go quite yet.

"That's it?" Jacob questions liltingly. His brown eyes glimmer with mirth as he holds my stare, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "You're just gonna leave me? No goodbye or anything?"

"Well, you've had this whole time to ask for my number and you still haven't. I'd say we're even." I'm surprised by my bold statement. I tend to be reserved; shy, keeping to myself. Yet Jacob Beckham brings out an entirely different side of me, one I hadn't previously known I withheld. It's nice to feel confident, I have to admit.

Jacob raises his eyebrows, appearing as shocked by my comment as I feel at having said it aloud. Then he's grinning, coolly playing off his moment of surprise.

"I was waiting for the right moment to ask," Jacob explains.

"Is that so?" I joke, prompting him further.

"Give me a break, Tatum," Jacob mumbles in a low tone. He takes a step closer to me, moving in my direction only a few inches, yet near enough to get my heart racing and to still the breath in my lungs. "You make me nervous."

"I make you nervous?" I repeat in disbelief. The statement seems so ridiculous, considering the irony. Does he really not notice how he makes my knees go weak with nothing but a smile? Can he not hear my heart pounding as I stand before him, as if it is trying to break free from my chest? Does he not sense the way my breath hitches when he moves in closer, making it impossible for air to get to my lungs?

"Yeah," Jacob murmurs softly. "You do, Blythe."

I hold his gaze for a moment. Tension thickens in the air around us, making it feel even harder to breathe. I find myself thinking ludicrous thoughts, blushing as I wish Jacob's hands would find my waist and push me back against the door behind us. I want his lips fighting for control over mine. I want to feel his touch, taste his lips, hear him breathing heavily in my ear. The thoughts scare me, and not just because I've never quite imagined a scenario as such over a boy I just met. They scare me because of how badly I ache to make the thoughts reality.

"So. Did you want my number, or not?"

I don't realize I've spoken until I see Jacob's smile, and then I'm smiling too. He slips a hand into his pocket, reaching for his phone. Then his phone is in my hands, and I'm typing my contact information out. When I return the device to him, our fingertips touch. His skin lingers on mine for a beat too long, the tips of his fingers flirting with mine. I feel cold when he pulls away, causing a shiver to run down my spine and goosebumps to raise on my flesh.

At that moment, the door behind us opens. I turn, startled. I soon find Kehlani standing before me, pausing as she goes to exit the room. Her gaze bounces from Jacob to me, eyes widening as realization dawns on her features.

"I'm sorry," she mutters. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

"I should be going anyway," Jacob says. He returns his attention to me, brown eyes glistening as they meet mine. "I'll call you?"

My cheeks turn pink under his careful gaze. I shrug nonchalantly, smirking as I retort with a half-shrug, "I'll answer."

With one last grin offered to my direction and a polite nod towards Kehlani, Jacob dismisses himself and turns to wander down the corridor. I watch him go for a moment before facing my roommate, finding her staring at me with a knowing smile and expectant gaze.

"You have to tell me everything."

a/n: everything is confusing

———a/n: everything is confusing

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