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I squint as the stadium lights illuminate the field below, nearly blinding me

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I squint as the stadium lights illuminate the field below, nearly blinding me. My ears roar as the large crowd swarming the surrounding area goes about their business, the bleachers full of people talking loudly amongst themselves at once. The smell of popcorn and soda in the air makes me feel ill, causing my stomach to rumble uncomfortably. I suddenly realize that I can't remember the last time I ate, the realization only adding to my nausea.

"I can't believe Jonah is making me write about something as stupid as a football game," Ivy grumbles under her breath, narrowing her eyes behind her dark bangs as she eyes the field below us. "My talent could be put to much better use."

"Come on, Ivy," Ben chides, frowning at our friend's pessimistic remark. "Blythe's boyfriend is on the team. It's the first home game. Can't you at least pretend to have fun?"

"No," Ivy deadpans. "Though I swear I won't complain. For your sake, Blythe."

I smile weakly, trying my best to appear lively. I haven't slept in days. I feel like death—which has been the only topic on my mind lately, ironically enough. Coming to the conclusion that my hallucinations may have something to due with Naomi's murder has shaken me to the point where I can hardly manage to function. However, for my friends' sake—and Jacob's—I try my best to push thoughts of anything but what is going on at the moment to the side for one simple night. I want to have a good time with my friends while I watch my boyfriend's seasonal football debut.

"Complain all you want," I assure Ivy. "I wouldn't be here either if it wasn't for Jacob being on the team."

"Why are football games such a big deal?" Ben questions. "I mean, it's really not that hard of a—"

Whatever he was going to say next, I guess I'll never know. The sound of an air horn blaring cuts Ben off before he can finish his sentence, silencing the crowd around me. The announcer cuts on over the speaker, offering information about tonight's game and a few of the spotlighted players on the team. I cheer with a few other spectators when Jacob's name is mentioned, hoping he catches sight of me from where he sits on the bench down on the field with a few of his teammates. Soon enough the national anthem is playing, which signifies that the start of the game is close.

"Oh, get on with it already," Ivy whines from her seat next to me. "These bleachers are cutting into my butt."

Ben snorts. "Probably because you don't have one."

Ivy reaches over me to smack our friend on the shoulder. I roll my eyes as Ben releases a yelp, the two striking up an argument in seconds. I smile to myself discreetly. This is the most normal interaction I've had in days. Though I'm going through hell, it's nice to know some things about my life are still somewhat normal.

While Ben and Ivy bicker back and forth, my gaze drifts to the players benched on the field. I study Jacob for a moment, taking his appearance in. He's unaware of my stare, talking to another player seated next to him as he runs a hand through his hair. My gaze shifts without me realizing, and I soon find myself observing Zach. He sits at the end of the bench by himself with his head down, blocking his face from my view. He looks up after a moment, offering me a clear glance at his piercing eyes. For some strange reason, I find myself wishing he would turn my way. Of course, I have no such luck.

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