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I pull open the passenger side door and hop into Zach's car, closing the door behind me quickly

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I pull open the passenger side door and hop into Zach's car, closing the door behind me quickly.

"Thanks for the ride." I offer Zach the faintest of smiles as I face him before buckling my seatbelt, awaiting his response.

"Of course," Zach murmurs with a smile of his own. Fortunately, he'd been kind enough to drop me off at the café earlier to meet with Daya, and returned to give me a lift back to campus. I'd told him that I had decided to speak with her, and we had both agreed it would be a good idea. The more incriminating information the two of us can pile up on Jacob, the better.

"Did you find anything out?" Zach questions as he turns to face me, leaving his car parked for a moment.

I nod absentmindedly. "A lot, actually. Jacob was terrible to her, Zach . . ."

Zach snorts, cutting his gaze over to me as he reaches for my hand. I accept his touch gratefully, squeezing his hand in my own. "I don't doubt it. How bad?"

"He hit her," I mumble, shaking my head somberly. "And raped her . . . Daya has a restraining order against him."

Zach's shock is written all over his expression. I hold his stare for a moment before studying his features. I notice a vein pulsing in his neck, protruding through his skin as he sits stiffly.

"Has Jacob . . ." Zach trails off, clearing his throat as if he finds the words he wants to say hard to get out. "Has he ever . . .?"

"No," I answer Zach's question without having to hear the assumption said aloud. "He's never taken anything that far with me. Although there are similarities in his behavior now. It's clear he hasn't changed."

Zach grips my hand in his tightly. "I'm so ready for you to be away from him, Blythe. Don't you think this is enough evidence to take to the cops already?"

I shake my head in response. "I need a confession, Zach. You know how much influence Jacob has on campus. I need everyone to believe us, beyond a reasonable doubt."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt," Zach chokes out. "I don't want anything to happen to you, Blythe."

I take Zach's face in my hands, caressing his cheek. Zach shoots me a glance of surprise, though doesn't retract from my touch. Instead, he squeezes my hand resting on his face comfortingly; a small sign of affection.

"I'll be okay," I reassure Zach.

I lean toward him, holding his stare as I move in closer. Studying the boy before me, my heart pounds in my chest as I realize just how grateful I am to have him here and to have met him at all. Suddenly, I want him to know just how much I appreciate him and all that he has done for me.

I go to press a kiss to Zach's cheek when he catches me by surprise. Zach grips my chin gently, tilting my face towards his. I stare up at him with wide eyes, my lips a whisper away from his.

"Is this okay?" Zach asks softly, the words just barely audible.

I nod to express my consent, my eyelids fluttering closed as Zach's lips slowly meet mine. He kisses me tenderly, one hand lost in my hair as the other is intertwined with my own.

As Zach kisses me, I begin to understand the truth behind my former words. With him by my side, I'm certain that I will, in fact, be okay.

 With him by my side, I'm certain that I will, in fact, be okay

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