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For a "lowkey" party, Will's frat house is rather crowded

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For a "lowkey" party, Will's frat house is rather crowded.

In fact, I can't tell a difference between this party and the parties his fraternity has thrown in the past. The same pop songs blare from unseen speakers, whilst my peers wander around the house with alcohol in hand, talking amongst themselves obnoxiously loud and forming exclusive circles. It's nearly impossible for me to shove my way through the front door due to the number of people mingling within the house.

I'd be lying if I denied that I'm slightly annoyed. Jacob had made the gathering going on tonight sound much more insignificant than it seems to be in actuality. I know that he'd never lie to me, yet it's evident he bent the truth to his will in order to get me to show up tonight. This realization irks me, as I did sacrifice my time to see Jacob tonight when it is important for me to study in order to keep my grades up this semester; which it is detrimental I do considering I'd taken extra credits in an attempt to be able to hopefully graduate early. I'd have preferred Jacob to have at least told me the truth about the party tonight, even at the risk of me denying his offer to attend.

I have yet to even spot Jacob upon arriving, which only further irritates me. Typically, the two of us meet beforehand and attend events like these together. This time I had opted to meet him at Will's fraternity house, because I know the location and it's rather close to my dorm. But still . . . it would have been nice for Jacob to have at least met me outside or at the door.

I wander into the kitchen, assuming I will find my boyfriend and his small group lingering by the counter riddled with alcohol, per usual. Instead, I'm surprised to run into Kehlani. She's chatting with two girls by the bar, having yet to notice me. I don't know why I find her presence shocking; after all, this is her sort of scene.

"Blythe?" Kehlani questions as she turns to glance over her shoulder, stare falling on me. "Hey!" She excuses herself from her friends, approaching my direction. "What are you doing here? I thought you were staying in to study tonight?"

"I was," I admit sheepishly. "But Jacob convinced me to leave the room for a little while. I was just looking for him, actually."

Kehlani nods, her green eyes lighting up as she appraises me. "You look hot. I see that eyeliner, girl!"

"I learned from the best," I say with a grin. Kehlani laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders while she balances a drink in her free hand.

"I think I saw your man around here earlier," she tells me, leading us into the hallway. "Let's see if we can find him."

"Thanks," I murmur in a sharp breath. "I wasn't looking forward to running around trying to spot him."

"There he is!" Kehlani exclaims as we round the corner.

I notice Jacob just as she points him out. He stands in the living room with Jace and Will, speaking animatedly with his hands as the boys laugh heartily at whatever it is he has said. I glance at the drink in his hand, finding it safe to assume it isn't his first. No wonder he hadn't been awaiting my presence. He's probably already forgotten he asked me to come tonight. I roll my eyes.

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