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I can tell that the heavy concealer I'd applied to my eye and cheek earlier this morning has done little to cover my injuries when Ivy spots me

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I can tell that the heavy concealer I'd applied to my eye and cheek earlier this morning has done little to cover my injuries when Ivy spots me.

I hadn't expected her to show up to the library in the middle of the day, or else I wouldn't have risked coming here. She's normally in class at this time, so I thought I would be safe hiding out in the back of the library for a little while. Kehlani is sleeping in our dorm, and I'd been scared the sound of my fingertips rapidly hitting the laptop keyboard would wake her. So I'd come to the library to finish up my article, one I've been working on over the past few days.

Panic flares in my chest when I look up from my laptop to find Ivy standing across from me, peering down in the direction of where I'm seated with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. I have no idea how I will possibly explain to her what happened to me—and I'm not good at lying on the spot.

"Blythe . . ." Ivy murmurs in a rush of breath, falling into the open seat next to me. Her eyes water as she raises her hands to her lips, cupping her mouth to hide her shock. "Blythe, what happened?"

"Nothing," I say much too quickly, rushing to close my laptop before Ivy can catch a glimpse at what I've been writing. "What do you mean?"

"You have a black eye!" she hisses, careful to keep her voice low. "What the fuck? How did that even happen? Are you okay?"

"I ran into a door," I lie, shrugging nonchalantly.

Ivy stares at me blankly. "You ran into . . . a door?"

I nod, pursing my lips tightly. "I'm fine. Seriously."

"Did Jacob do that to you, Blythe?" Ivy whispers, tone serious. "Don't lie to me. I already know."

I slide down low in my seat, unable to bring myself to respond to her question. I don't know what to say. Ivy knows me too well.

"Who do I need to tell to get you out of this?" she asks. "Let me help you, Blythe. I knew something was off with you ever since you started—"

"You tell no one," I cut Ivy off, sounding more aggressive than I intended to.

She widens her eyes as she leans away from me, startled by my aggressive demeanor. I immediately feel guilty for treating her in such a way, though I have no time to explain my crazed reaction.

"All of this will make sense soon," I tell Ivy. "I can't say much right now. I promise I'll explain everything when it's over. I have to go."

"Blythe?" Ivy questions dumbfoundedly as I rise from my seat, quickly gathering my things. "Blythe!" Ivy cries once more as I turn my back on her, leaving my friend and her questions behind as I exit the library.

I have to get Jacob to confess, and tonight. I'm certain I can't go through with this any longer. Not when I know I'm putting the people I care about most in danger.

 Not when I know I'm putting the people I care about most in danger

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