21 | warning

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I end up on the football field, hoping to catch Jacob as he's leaving practice

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I end up on the football field, hoping to catch Jacob as he's leaving practice.

I know he's done for the day, as he texted to let me know practice was ending a few minutes prior. By now, the sun has started to disappear past the horizon, washing the sky in pastels before fading to darkness.

I stand with my arms wrapped around my body, wishing the field wasn't so empty. It's creepy in a way, being all alone out here. It doesn't look right to see the grass so unoccupied, or to see the bleachers so vacant.


The voice startles me so badly, I flinch. I whirl around to meet the culprit, turning to find a boy I vaguely recognize. My spirits fall when I realize it's not Jacob sneaking up on me, as I had previously been hoping. Instead, I come face-to-face with another dark-haired boy whose piercing green eyes feel as if they are looking right through me. His stare makes me shiver.

"Blythe, right?" the boy asks, taking the smallest of steps towards me. "We met at a party a while back. I'm Zach."

Realization dawns on me, along with the memory of Jacob introducing me to the boy I'm left looking at.

"Right," I mumble with a nod and tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, I remember. Hey."

I recall Zach to be a very quiet person, at least from the one and only time we've ever been around one another. Thinking back, my memory brings back a very cryptic warning he gave me at the party when he previously mentioned to be careful. That is, before he somehow disappeared without a word or me noticing.

"Are you waiting for Jacob?" Zach asks casually. His green eyes trail me for a moment before meeting mine once again, causing the hair on my arms to stand on end. His presence is unsettling; not necessarily because he frightens me, but because he makes me feel transparent. I don't like feeling as if a stranger can read me like I am some sort of open book.

"Uh, yeah," I stammer. "I was hoping to catch him after practice."

Zach nods. He opens his mouth as if to say something, then quickly closes it. His gaze skirts around the field, giving the impression that he's making sure no one else is around. I can sense that he wants to tell me something, though what he could possibly have to say is beyond me.

"I know we haven't really met," Zach starts in a low tone, moving in closer. I almost want to back away, startled by the intensity of his stare as he holds my gaze with his own. "So you have no reason to listen to me. Just . . . take my advice, Blythe. Be careful."

"You've said that before," I retort without realizing I've even spoken. "At the party. Do you want to explain what you mean? Or am I supposed to think you're crazy?"

Typically, when someone makes a joke most normal people laugh. However, Zach doesn't bat an eyelash or even crack a smile at my playful remark. He remains stoic before me, gazing my way with his head tilted as if he thinks I'm not quite understanding him.

"If I could say more, I would. I'm serious, Blythe. You need to—"


I jump, a cry escaping my lips. I hadn't been expecting the voice in my ear, or for the arms to wrap around my body. The mood Zach's words had created left me on edge, the unexpected presence scaring me completely.

"Sorry." It's Jacob's voice. I can tell by the teasing lilt, recognizing him as he pulls me into his frame. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Hi," I say with a laugh, though it comes out rather shaky. I study Jacob for a moment before my gaze returns to Zach. He stands across from us stiffly. I can't help noticing the shadow that crosses over his features as he eyes Jacob, though the look disappears just as quickly as I spot it.

"Hey, Zach," Jacob says lightly, nodding at his teammate. "I thought you left?"

Zach shrugs, gesturing to me as he explains, "I ran into Blythe on my way out. I thought I would say hi. Plus, it's getting dark. Didn't want to leave her out here alone."

"I see." I gaze up at Jacob as he nods. His expression is impassive, body language nonchalant. However, I notice a single vein bulging in his face, right by his jaw. It twitches, protruding around the skin.

Glancing back over at Zach, I begin to wonder what could have possibly happened between the two boys to create so much hidden tension in the air around them.

"Well, thanks," Jacob mutters, offering Zach a quick smile.

Zach nods, returning his attention to me. "Well, it was nice seeing you, Blythe. I'll catch you guys around."

Jacob remains wordless as Zach turns to go. I watch him as he walks off, stiffening under Jacob's hold. Part of me wants to call after Zach, wants to understand what he could have possibly meant by his strange warning earlier.

Then Jacob is spinning me around, pulling me into him and offering me his knee-weakening smile before capturing my lips with his. And suddenly, he is all I can think about.

a/n: i hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. it's very different from my usual chicklit/romance niche and i can't wait to share the rest of this story w you all. ❤️


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