27 | safe

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I grip my pounding head in my hands, feeling my temples throb against my fingertips

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I grip my pounding head in my hands, feeling my temples throb against my fingertips. I moan as my knees buckle, suddenly unable to uphold my weight. Strong arms grasp my body as I give way to gravity, exhaling a shrill cry as panic overtakes my thoughts.


I'm too out of it to recognize the voice. I heave for air, my lungs and throat burning as if they are on fire. My face feels wet, though I am unable to decipher if this is caused by tears or sweat.

"Blythe? What's wrong? Blythe?"

I am able to focus slightly as I inhale sharp breaths. As air finds its way to my lungs, I calm down slightly. I wasn't breathing, I recall. I couldn't breathe and it hurt like hell.

"Jacob?" I question weakly, shaking as I try to hold my stance upright. "Jacob, where am I?"

"We're outside," Jacob reminds me, sounding frightened. He glances down at me with blatant concern, eyebrows furrowed and lips drawn into a thin line. "We were on the way to your dorm. You just . . . fainted. I couldn't get you to wake up."

I try to remember the previous events that led me to this moment, only to come up with a blank memory and lots of questions. I don't know how I got here or what led to my black out. All I know is that I couldn't breathe and I want to go home.

I sob.

It's as if I can't control it. Suddenly, I just break down. My body racks as I cry, and Jacob quickly pulls me into his chest. He holds me close, trying to be soothing as he runs a hand down my hair and whispers words of comfort in my ear. Just knowing he is here calms me, though not enough to ease my tears.

"I want to go home," I wail, sniffling as I try to speak through my tears. "Please. I want to go home."

"Okay," Jacob murmurs gently. "Okay, babe. I'll get you home."

I don't put up a fight as Jacob lifts me into his arms, hefting my body into the air before cradling me to his chest. Secretly, I am grateful for the consideration. I don't think I'd be capable of moving right now even if I tried. My legs feel like jelly. I feel as if I'll never be able to walk again.

"I'm right here," Jacob reminds me as I cry softly into his chest, my tears soaking through his shirt. "You're safe, Blythe. I'm right here. You're safe."

a/n: i am SO sorry i have missed so many updates recently!!! life gets crazy sometimes and unfortunately leaves me w little time. i'm gonna post the four updates i missed rn. happy holidays to all my lovely readers! ❤️

 happy holidays to all my lovely readers! ❤️

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