76 | future

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"Well," Kehlani murmurs as she sets the last of her bags by the door to our dorm, turning to face me with a smile of faint sadness

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"Well," Kehlani murmurs as she sets the last of her bags by the door to our dorm, turning to face me with a smile of faint sadness. "I guess I'm off."

Our school has offered a week off from studies due to all that has recently happened and how traumatic the experience has been for students—myself and those close to me, especially. This means that Kehlani and I will be parting ways for the next few days, which I must admit I'm a little sad about. She's been a great roommate—a great friend. I find myself realizing that I will miss her presence; I will miss the comfort she brings me, now that I am so used to living with her.

"I'm going to miss you," I murmur as I pull my roommate into a warm embrace, as the two of us are getting ready to say our goodbyes. I mean the words, I really do.

"I'm going to miss you," Kehlani retorts with a snort. "You've become, like, ninety-nine percect of my impulse control, Blythe."

This time, it's my turn to laugh. It feels good to be able to do so again. I haven't been able to in so long now, after everything. Slowly, I can feel certain aspects of my life returning to normal—or what once was, before Jacob Beckham entered my life and turned my reality to chaos. The shift I'm feeling within from helpless to almost ordinary helps to reassure me that I truly will one day be okay again as time goes on, after giving myself a chance to heal from all that has happened.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," I tease as Kehlani goes to reach for one of her bags set by her bedside. She rolls her eyes before playfully sticking her tongue out at me. I know her well, and I'm certain she will spend the next few days doing a million things I never would. However, our contrasts are what makes our relationship work so well. We couldn't be more different if we tried, but I love that about Kehlani. She brings me out of my comfort zone. Now that I'm so used to her being a part of my routine, I couldn't imagine the person I would be without her.

"You'll be okay, right?" Kehlani suddenly questions in concern. There's that worried gleam shining brightly in her eyes once again as she regards me--it is a look I am starting to become accustomed to. I suppose I can't blame her for constantly fretting over me. If she went through what I did, I know I would do the same.  "I can stay a little longer if you want someone here until you leave."

"I'll be alright," I assure my friend. Somehow, I know the words will ring true. "Thanks for the offer, though. Don't let me keep you. I know you're dying to leave campus, because I am too."

Kehlani chuckles. A bit of the worry has drifted from her gaze, her eyes back to their usual brightness. "Isn't that the truth? Well, I love you, Blythe. Text me when you leave. I'll see you in a week!"

"See you then!" I call after my friend as she goes to exit our room, turning around to offer me one last wave before the door falls shut behind her as she wanders off. I am soon left alone. I haven't been able to stand being left to my own devices as of late, though this time I don't feel so desolate. There's a calmness in the air around me, an aura of peace. I am content for the first time in a long while, and I revel in the feeling.

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