19 | solace

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I jolt up with a gasp

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I jolt up with a gasp.

The air rushing into my lungs burns my throat, as if I am inhaling flames. My chest heaves as I inhale deeper, feeling light-headed from lack of oxygen. Panic beats in my chest like a pulse, radiating throughout the rest of my body. My mind screams, craving air and a release from a pressure that doesn't exist.

I'm disoriented, unsure of what has brought on my sudden state of fear. Then it hits me in bits and pieces: I recall the darkness, the pain, the unbearable weight atop my chest.

I inhale a sharp breath, shoulders slumping as my body begins to relax. It was just a dream, I tell myself to rid my mind of its fear. It was just an awful dream.

Next to me, Jacob stirs in his sleep. I glance down at him as he lays next to me, almost having forgotten I spent the night in his dorm. His features pinch as he reaches for me in his sleep, only to come up empty-handed. I watch as Jacob slowly awakens, eyes opening to find me sitting above him by his side.

"Blythe?" Jacob questions in a raspy voice, expression groggy. "What are you doing?"

"Go back to sleep," I coo softly. I rest a hand upon his cheek, thumb tracing the outline of his cheekbone lightly. My hand shakes uncontrollably, physical proof of the strange and terrifying delusion I had been awakened by. "A dream woke me up."

"Are you okay?" Jacob asks. He seems to be a little more awake than he was a moment earlier, expressing concern brought on by my revelation. He rises slightly, resting his weight on his elbows as he props himself up atop the mattress.

I smile faintly at him. His presence has tremendously eased my nerves. I almost can't remember what had frightened me so terribly in the first place. Almost.

"I'm fine," I assure him. "It was just a dream."

"Dreams can be dark," Jacob murmurs. He reaches a hand out toward me tentatively, fingertips brushing against my bare thigh. His touch is the complete opposite of the hands in my dream, his is warm, inviting, gentle.

"Come here," Jacob mutters. "Let me hold you."
I hesitate only a moment before sinking back down onto the mattress, allowing Jacob to wrap his blanket around my body before pulling me into his arms. I sleep in one of his t-shirts, which has now bunched up around my midriff, but I don't mind. I pay no attention to the skin that is exposed as I lay my head on Jacob's chest, allowing myself to find solace in his arms. He plays with my hair as he holds me close, whispering sweet reassurances in my ear that sound as lovely as any melody.

All too soon, I drift off once again, driven to sleep by Jacob's gentle touch and calming whispers.


a/n: i am so sorry i missed my update yesterday! 😭 life has been crazy lately 💀

a/n: i am so sorry i missed my update yesterday! 😭 life has been crazy lately 💀

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