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I jump, startled by the unexpected presence approaching behind me. I whirl around on my heel, coming face-to-face with none other than Ben. My heart slows in my chest slightly, calming from the race it'd been performing brought on by my jump-scare. I'd half anticipated to find Jacob standing behind me, so I'm relieved to realize my first assumption had been wrong.

"Long time no see," Ben says liltingly. "I feel like you've been hiding from me and Ivy."

I hurriedly glance around at my surroundings, making certain Jacob isn't able to be seen anywhere nearby. I don't even want to know what would happen if he caught me talking to Ben now. Though I hung out with my friends recently and semi-explained to them the reason behind my absence lately, I still have made no effort to see them as often as I used to. The last thing I want to do is endanger my friends, not wanting Jacob to scout them out as his next victims. Jacob's anger seems to be something he can't control, and I know exactly what he is capable of when he's acting out of rage.

"Sorry," I mumble sheepishly. "I've just been busy with school. You know how it goes."

Ben frowns, eyeing me wordlessly. I can tell by his expression that he senses there is something I'm not telling him, though I make no effort to provide him with any further details as to my strange behavior lately. "Ivy says you've barely attended any meetings for the paper these past few weeks. What's up with that?"

I shrug, quickening my pace as I walk along the campus sidewalk. "I've just been trying to get caught up with my assignments. The extra credits I took on this semester have me falling a little behind."

Ben raises his eyebrows, his hazel eyes widening as he stares down at me in mock-surprise. "Blythe Tatum, falling behind in school? Yeah, right. Tell me the truth. Are you still avoiding us because of Jacob?"

"I am telling the truth!" I insist, taking another glance around quickly. "Seriously. I feel like I don't have enough time for everything I have going on right now. That's all. I promise."

"You sure it's not because you're spending all of your free time with your new boyfriend who doesn't want you hanging out with us anymore?" Ben teases, though there's an undertone of seriousness to his words.

I bite down on my lip hard to resist exhaling a bitter snort. If only Ben knew the truth as to why my presence has been so scarce lately. An ache passes through my chest, making me wince as if I am in actual pain. I want to tell him what's going on in my life so badly it physically hurts, but somehow I manage to refrain from doing so. I've already put one person I care about in danger by bringing Zach into the mess I have created. I don't need to put anyone else I love in potential harm.

"I'd love to stay and chat," I tell Ben, ignoring his former remark, "but I've gotta head in for class. See you later!"

Ben opens his mouth as if to argue with me, though I don't give him a chance to speak. I turn on my heel and jog up to the building across the street, trying to get away from Ben before I can be spotted with him by Jacob.

After all, I don't know how I could live with myself if I was the reason anything happened to him.

After all, I don't know how I could live with myself if I was the reason anything happened to him

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