42 | secret

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"You're going to come, right?"

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"You're going to come, right?"

I roll my eyes at Jacob's question, smirking as I meet his gaze.

"Of course I'm going to go," I retort teasingly, shoving my boyfriend's shoulder playfully. "I can't miss your first game of the season. Not for the world."

"Good." Jacob appears relieved, though a lilting gleam glints in his irises. "For a second I was worried you might decide to stay in and study instead."

I cross my arms over my chest defensively, narrowing my eyes as I peer up at Jacob. "You think so highly of me."

Jacob shrugs, offering a grin that leaves me weak in the knees. "You know what I mean. Hey, I'll be right back. I forgot my bookbag in the locker room."

I nod as Jacob departs from me with a quick kiss to the top of my head, turning around toward the direction he appeared from and jogging back down the football field over to the building a few yards away to retrieve his forgotten bag.

I turn my attention to the sky as I wait for my boyfriend to return, basking in the warm glow of the afternoon sun. The fall weather will soon fade to winter, so I find myself reveling in the last of the faint outdoor heat so as to take it in before it will quickly be gone. The sky up ahead is slightly overcast, with a few dark clouds rolling through the air and heading this direction. I frown to myself, dreading the rain approaching.

Standing alone, I study my phone to pass the time. I glance up after exiting an app to find a familiar presence approaching my direction. I return my phone to my pocket, hugging my arms around my frame as I wait for him to greet me.

"Funny seeing you here," I remark with a taunting tone as Zach comes closer. It seems that football fields and frat parties have become our typical places of meeting. For someone so mysterious, Zachary d'Angelo is also oddly predictable.

"Waiting on your boyfriend?" Zach questions, smirking as he strolls up to my side.

"Maybe." I tilt my head as I observe the strange boy before me, smiling coyly. "Or maybe I was seeking you out."

Zach exhales a dry laugh. "Why do I doubt that?"

"Probably because it isn't true." I shift on my feet, crossing my arms over my chest once again. "What are your plans for the night? Or are you going to avoid that question like you do all my others?"

"I don't avoid your questions," Zach retorts, wearing an all too smug smile.

"You just did," I deadpan.

Zach grins. "I'm heading home. I'll probably catch up on school. Practice has me falling behind."

I'm somewhat stunned that Zach has given me a direct answer to a question, though I'm careful not to allow my surprise to be revealed through my expression.

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