1. The new normal

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The beautiful brunette now blonde due to the generous requests or rather persuasion of her daughters, sat on the window seat of her and her husband's bedroom with her journal on her lap. Journaling was something she loved as a kid and as millions of thoughts ran through her mind, it seemed like a way to calm her down. She smiled softly and started writing

Dear diary,

                    today is gonna be amazing. Everyday is a new day with endless possibilities. Although the future isn't in our hands, I just hope that let the best happen today. Nothing's ever constant in mystic falls. Me and my friends spent years trying to kill enemies hoping that we could finally have normal lives. But over the years, we have learnt that our lives can never be normal because we are supernaturals and we need to accept it. This is our new normal. But it's a good normal. We all are happy with the lives we live today and the people we are today. So here's to a new day.



With a content sigh, she placed back the journal in the drawer of her desk. Then she made her way to the shower and took a steaming hot bath. She spent 30 minutes to get dressed for work. Just as she applied the last of her lipgloss, a loud groan was heard from the kitchen. 

Then the scent of fresh blood filled her nostrils due to her supernatural senses. Worried for the safety of her family, she sped downstairs towards the kitchen. Over there she spotted Alaric Saltzman, her best friend and the father of her twins, with a butchering knife and lettuce with blood droplets on it

. She looked wide-eyed towards the vampire before looking down at his bloodied finger. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and said "Hey El".

"Hey Ric". She replied. She gestured towards the bloodied finger and asked "Are you ok?"

"Yeah it's just a cut. Which is now healed thank to vamp healing". He replied with a chuckle. Ric turned into a vampire after the birth of his daughters in order to protect them.

"Sorry your scenario is giving me some serious deja-vu right now". She said dragging her mind away from the memory when a certain original took over his body and raided the Gilbert kitchen years ago.

"And I'm guessing you don't even wanna go there". He asked.

"Nope not at all." She replied with a shrug. Which was true of course. Her feelings towards the 1000 year old hybrid was in the past and she wanted nothing to do with him in the present.

Just as she turned back, her five kids barged in and gave her a group hug. "Morning mom", they said in sync. 

"Morning kids". She smiled brightly at them. 

"Morning uncle Ric" "Morning daddy" the triplets and the twins chorused.

"Morning guys. Breakfast is ready. There's sandwich and orange juice. Pancakes are yet to be done". He said with a bright smile.

"I'll make the pancakes. Ric why don't you get ready by the time I make them. We've got this". She replied.

He gave her a grateful smile and a side hug and left to get ready for the day. As Ella cooked the pancakes and set the table with all the delicious breakfast, Ric came downstairs and took a seat with Ella and all the other kids who already drizzled the maple syrup on the pancakes and dug right in. 

Lexi, Henry and Josie who were all eating in peace turned their head towards Liam and Lizzie scrunched up their noses and gave their siblings disapproving nods.

"Guys you've got maple syrup all over here and here and there". Lexi said, gesturing with her hands flying around her face near her mouth, chin and nose. The siblings just rolled their eyes in annoyance and continued enjoying the pancakes in bliss. Ella definitely made the best pancakes but watching them eat that way was just funny.

Henry and Josie shook their heads with slight smiles due to the childish behavior of their siblings and passed them paper napkins from the table at the same time. Liam and Liz took them with a scowl on their faces and wiped off the sticky syrup off their faces and gave them a 'seriously' face. The two adults just laughed at the kids' antics and enjoyed their time laughing and chatting with the five kids. One thing that never took place in the Salvatore-Saltzman family was fights which the parents were grateful for.

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