9. The memory

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Previously on A Warrior's Heart,

She walked towards the door and opened it only to be greeted by the handsome face of her husband.

"Hey there. Miss me?"  



Stefan Salvatore had Silas's petrified body in a safe as he stood near Steven's quarry. He heard a noise and immediately turned around to find Elena or an Elena look-alike. 

"So this is your real face? You're another one of them aren't you?" Stefan questioned.

"Not exactly". She replied and in an instant, Stefan saw a mirror image of him.

"Hello my Shadow self". Silas smirked.

"What the hell? Why do you look like me?" Stefan asked, clearly sick of Silas's mind games.

"The better question is why do you look like me? You see, Qetsiyah put a curse on me and Amara creating mortal versions of us. So the handsome face you carry around is actually mine." Silas replied.

"Did you really think you and your little friends can get rid of me so easily?" Silas questioned.

"No you are a monster and you need to be put down because everyone I love will be in danger." Stefan said, sounding exactly like Elena.

Silas scoffed and said " I spent two thousand years in loneliness thinking about the love of my life and when I would come out of that hell hole and see her again. Hell, I don't even know if she's here. So call me a monster for chasing love Stefan, I don't really care. I'm not leaving Mystic Falls until I find my wife and torture Qetsiyah once she finds a way to come back to the land of the living by that smart head of hers."

Stefan sympathized with the immortal but that was replaced by a look of confusion as he asked "Wait. I thought Amara was dead."

Silas let out a humorless laugh. "Humans and their naive little brains. Always spreading rumors. Who told you that I loved Amara? She was my best friend but she wasn't the Petrova who stole my heart. It was her younger sister, Alaira." He replied.


"So this Alaira girl, what happened?" Stefan asked in curiosity.

"Laira and I got married in secret with Amara's help. I was psychic and a powerful witch. She was also a witch. But Amara wasn't. Laira and Qetsiyah were good friends and Quetsiyah developed feelings for me but I was already married. I cast a spell so that my psychic powers becomes Laira's as well as she took the first sip of human blood." Silas explained.

"Then one day I convinced Qetsiyah to make an immortality serum so that I could live forever with my wife and best friend. But we had to betray Qetsiyah. There was no choice. It hurt Laira to do so but she picked love over her loyalty towards her best friend." He continued.

"But the plan didn't work out. Did it?" Stefan questioned.

"Nope. It didn't. We were supposed to meet in a cabin in the woods. Only I took the serum. Before Laira could take it, we heard a scream. Most specifically Amara's scream. When me and Laira got there, Qetsiyah had already killed Amara. The reason she made mine and Amara's doppelgangers was to take revenge on Laira. She said that when she would be reborn, she would be forced to watch a shadow self of me leave her for a shadow self of her sister. So that she could feel what Qetsiyah felt, the betrayal of a best friend who she considered like a sister. Then she drove a sword through her heart as I watched and then petrified me." Silas replied with a sad tone. 

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