19. Daddy dearest

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Previously on A Warrior's Heart,

They all except Kol, Davina and the five kids gasped at who they saw. Ella and her family just smirked at their reactions.


"Marcel!?" Rebekah exclaimed with fear and confusion.

Marcel looked at Rebekah in fury as he snapped Hayley's neck and let her body crumple to the ground.

(Oh by the way, Klaus is no more Marcel's dad. After he found out what he did to El, he wanted nothing to do we him. So no, technically Ella didn't have kids with her supposedly GRANDPA! That would just be weird....)

Klaus made his way towards Elijah, Rebekah and an unconscious Freya and stood in front of them protectively.

"Y'all think your smart coming back here and causing trouble to my daughter. Want another extra five years in coffins and dungeons?" Marcel asked

The Mikaelsons were confused and shocked as hell. Rebekah ignored it as she walked in front of her family and stood next to her brother.

"You wouldn't dare to. I will never talk to you again if you do that." Rebekah said with a smirk.

Marcel laughed. "Yeah I was a fool for loving you Rebekah. All you have done is used my love for you to save your family's ass. But no more. Because when it comes down to me or your family, you would pick your family, just like now I'm picking mine. So what's stopping me from killing you?" He asked as his eyes flashed and he growled with his extra long fangs. Marcel wouldn't bite them for Hope's sake but they didn't have to know that. Hope knew it too as Lexi winked at her.

The Salvatore-Saltzman family just smirked at the horrified expressions on their faces as Elijah sped towards Hayley and picked up her body and Klaus picked up Freya's. They all sped away as Elenora hugged her dad. "Dad! I missed you."

"I know. I did too." He replied hugging her.




It was raining heavily in the French quarter as a couple made their way into a clinic nearby.

"I told you we should have stayed in Mystic Falls. I was due in 3 days! But you just had to bring us here for your cousin's wedding! Look where it got us now Richard!" Screamed a woman at her husband while clutching her pregnant stomach. The couple looked rich and well off.

"I'm sorry I should have said no. But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." Her husband said as they made their way into the clinic.

"My wife is in labor and this was the nearest place we could find. Please help her." Begged her husband to a lady who rushed towards them.

"No problem sir. We'll take care of her." Said the woman who called other people for help.

After about sometime that felt like hours of hearing his wife screaming, a baby's cries were heard. The man immediately shot up from the chair as he heard it.

"It's a girl!" The nurse said to the couple. As they baby was handed to the man, he was in tears as he looked at his wife.

But that was cut off short as his wife let out another bloodcurdling scream.

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