Chapter 1 - A new start

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"Ow! Son of a- Great. Just great. This is the second time this week that it happened."

Muttering, I picked up the piece of metal that had fallen on my head, again. I was currently laying on my back under a starfighter trying to fix the landing gear but the damn metal flap that protects the gear keeps falling on my head. One of its hinges was loose and was semi broken but I wouldn't be able to replace it until I completely fixed the landing gear first. Scooting out from under the fighter I gathered my tools and placed them back in my belt as I carefully stood up. I stretched my back a little and sighed whilst taking in the sight of the fighter. It had been in a crash landing and the Jedi who flew it, Master Fisto, insisted that it would be an easy repair. Even though I tried to reason with him and explain that it wouldn't be, he just laughed it off and left me with my fun task. I couldn't be mad at him even though I tried, he is a good friend of mine and knows that I can fix anything. Working as a mechanic in the Jedi temple is kinda slow sometimes but for the most part I really enjoy it. I gazed out of the hangar bay and on to the Coruscant skyline. The sun was setting, making the sky appear in a rich orange and golden colour as the last bit of sun gently kissed my skin. Letting my shoulders drop and taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and felt the irritation and pain from the piece of metal hitting my head wash away. It was moments like these that I felt truly at peace and like nothing was wrong in the galaxy. Well, for the most part the galaxy was at peace.

"Are you still working on Master Fisto's fighter?"

Snapping out of my thoughts I whipped around to find Jedi Master Plo Koon making his way over to me. Master Plo was an old friend of mine, he was the one who saw my ability to fix engines and repair anything. So he got me this job here in the Jedi temple's hangar when I was still quite young. I let out a soft chuckle,

"I thought I was gonna be able to fully repair it today, but it appears that isn't the case."

Master Plo shook his head and placed one of his hands on my right shoulder as he let out a small sigh,

"Just remember to rest (Y/N). Being exhausted isn't going to help you fix it any faster."

"I know Master, but you know how I can be."

I responded as I shrugged my shoulders and let a small smile dance on my lips.

"What did I tell you about calling me 'Master'? You are my friend, not my padawan."

"When on duty I must call any Jedi 'Master' and you know this. Besides, I like messing with you, Master."

Shaking his head once again but with a chuckle he removed his hand from my shoulder and turned to face me. But before he had the chance to start speaking, there was another voice interrupting him.

"Hey (Y/N)! I have someone I want you to meet!"

Turning around to see who it was I saw young Anakin Skywalker walking towards me and Master Plo with a droid behind him. I knew Ani very well since we both shared the same love and passion with fixing things and I had had a very close relationship with him as he grew up in the temple. He was Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's padawan, but when he wasn't on a mission or studying in the archives he would always accompany me down in the hangars where we fixed things together. The rusty brown droid following him was a protocol droid, a very dirty protocol droid.

"I will leave you two to it then."

Master Plo nodded to me as he made his way out of the hangar and nodded to Anakin as he passed him by.

"What have you got for me now Ani?"

I asked him as I crossed my arms over my chest and glanced at the droid slightly behind him.

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