Chapter 25 - The passing of time

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Pain. Again. Man, I really have to stop getting hurt. I could feel that I was laying down, with my upper body slightly tilted up. At least I can feel stuff. At the moment the pain wasn't enough to make me cringe or grunt. It was a low presence on my side, like thunder clouds covering the sky without releasing their bolts upon the land. My eyes were closed still and it felt really nice. Although I was aware of the dull pain in my side, I was still very relaxed. As I laid there, savouring the moments of peace I couldn't help but to hear some very light noises from beside me. I couldn't really wrap my mind around where I had heard them before. Gently cracking my eyes open to find out what the noise was I was at first blinded by the bright white lights in the medbay. After ending up in the medbay a few times, you would think that I would remember the bright lights by now. Getting my full vision back I leaned my head to the left and saw-


the white and blue astromech droid beeped and whistled excitedly at me whilst rocking back and forth. I giggled at his cuteness as I made a move to lean up on my left elbow. But of course that resulted in a sharp bolt of pain from my side, making me grunt and stop midmotion. I looked down and saw the bacta patch; and also the fact that I was wearing my working pants with only my bra that looked more like a very short crop top than the typical triangular ones. Artoo beeped in concern from my grunt. I gave him a tight smile,

"Don't worry little guy, I'll survive."

he only beeped sternly in response. I chuckled, or tried to but ended up coughing slightly instead. It hurt to cough so I suppressed them as much as I could to speak again,

"Artoo, no. I don't need medical assistance."

more agitated beeps. Deciding that there was no point in trying to sit up I slowly laid back down,

"No- would you stop that?! I'm fine! I don't need help. Look it's- yes, yes! I was just getting to that Artoo! I missed you too. I know it hurts- well maybe because I'm the one with the blasted- okay stop it. Now you're just being rude."

everytime Artoo and I tried to have a civilised conversation it always reverted back into us bickering back and forth. To some it may seem annoying, and it was. But I still loved it.

"Okay, see this is what happens when- no! Don't you dare bring that up! Why? Because it was an accident and I- yes it was! I already- what do you mean 'I dIdN't ApOlOgIsE'?! I did! Look- no! Artoo, would you just listen?!"

as we continued our bickering, someone stepped through the door quietly. We were so caught up that I didn't even notice. That and I was still laying on my back on the medical bed looking at the ceiling as I argued with the stubborn droid. They watched us for a few minutes in silence. It amused them to see me and Artoo like this. My voice strong and certain, but body weaker trying to aid the bacta in healing my blaster wound. A small, but genuine, smile tugged at their lips, telling them to let out a laugh. But they didn't. They stayed quiet in the shadows by the door as they didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Artoo that is ridiculous! I would never- I would not! Oh you better watch it! Why? Because I wouldn't hesitate to sell you to Hondo Ohnaka. Yes, I said it. Oh, what? You don't believe me? Hah! Try me."

as the shadow by the door observed the exchange, they now felt the need to intervene so I didn't dismantle Artoo. Stepping forwards with their hands clasped together behind their back they spoke up with an amused tone of voice,

"(Y/N), please don't sell Artoo. And Artoo, she needs to rest. Not get riled up."

I lifted my head and now saw who was in the room,

"Thanks Anakin, but I can handle him."

Anakin chuckled at me and shook his head as he walked to the right side of my bed,

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