Chapter 7 - A rumor

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Mando'a used in the chapter;

Udesii = "relax" or "calm down"

Alor'ad = "Captain"

Nyac = "No"


After "finalizing the system download" I was back down in the hangar in front of the LAAT/c I had been working on before. But this time I wasn't hanging from the belly of it since I had finished it. I was simply marking it in the mechanics log book as finished when I heard footsteps coming closer in front of me. I looked up from my datapad as I closed it and put it down on the equipment table. It was none other than Commander Wolffe making his way over to me with his helmet resting under his right arm. As usual he was sporting that stern look and if I didn't know better I would've guessed that he was about to bad mouth me. I gave him a smirk,

"Back for another banter even though I clearly won?"

he stopped an arms length from me and scoffed at my question,

"Please, beginner's luck."

"Or perhaps a worthy opponent?"

it happened so fast that if you blinked then you would've missed it, but I caught it. The side of his mouth quirked up into a tiny side smile before it disappeared again equally as fast as it appeared in the first place.

"Maybe, maybe not. I must say, you were surprisingly fast with your counter lines. For someone in the 501st that is."

my smirk grew into a smile as I leaned back on my elbows onto the hovering equipment table behind me,

"I see what's happening here."

he gave me an inquiring look to make me explain my meaning to which I continued on,

"You're here to apologize for being so upfront when you called me the '501st playtoy'."

drawing his eyebrows together he balled his hands up into fists and stepped forwards towards me. He only stopped when his knees were almost touching mine and leaned forward so he was getting dangerously close to me as he raised his finger to point above my chest. When he spoke I swear that I could've heard a growl in the back of his throat,

"Now you listen here that's not something I want to-"

I chuckled at him and pushed his hand away which caused him to stop and straighten up. He looked down at me as I also straightened up and spoke to him in a low voice so only he would hear,

"Don't worry Commander, I won't tell a single creature that you have a soft side."

before he could complain even further I patted him on the shoulder and just walked away towards my room. Before I was too far away though I stopped and turned to him,

"Oh and Commander, I accept your apology."

with a final smile and seeing how he just rolled his eyes at me I turned back and made my way to my room. Night hours rolled around aboard the Resolute as the lights started to dim in the hallways and most of the soldiers were enjoying every bit of sleep they could get before they would be sent out again. I made it into my room and had already been in the refresher to wash off the day. I was now sitting on my bed in night clothes and with my datapad in my hands quickly looking over the day's progress in the hanagar. When I had had enough of work I put it aside and just as I was about to lay down I saw a light reflection coming from my leather sack by the closet. As much as I wanted to ignore it and just go to sleep I couldn't help it. I groaned at myself and walked over to it where I flipped open the leather flap so I could fully see it. The clean silver reflected my night light and I carefully ran my hand over it, feeling every little detail. The mere touch of it caused a heap of jumbled memories to swarm my head. Some good and serene, but also many bad ones. I knew that trying to forget them and bury them deep down wouldn't help me or actually make me forget them. That's something my father had taught me when I was still a youngling. They're a part of who we are, no matter how nasty they may be. I remembered what he would always say;

Dar'solus  [Captain Rex x reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz