Chapter 20 - An awkward misunderstanding

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Mando'a used in the chapter:

"mesh'la" = "beautiful"

"cyar'ika" = "darling, beloved, sweetheart"

"cyare" = same as "cyar'ika" but a shorter version.

"Ne shab'rud'ni..." =  "Don't mess with me..."; extremely strong warning, likely to be followed by violence.

"K'oyacyi, gedet'ye." = "Come back safely, please." 

"Ni'koya darasuum." = "I promise" or literally; "I stay forever", my own Mando'a translation that I created.

Slowly waking up from a wonderful night of sleep I rolled to my left side, keeping my eyes closed to savour the morning stillness. As I moved to lay on my side I felt the arm around my waist pull me closer. Smiling softly I rested my head against his warm chest. Wait huh? Someone's here? Oh right, I fell asleep with Rex. WAIT I FELL ASLEEP WITH REX! Butterflies exploding with giddiness flew around my stomach and chest as my smile grew even brighter with joy. Resting my arm on his chest so I could nestle my face in his neck I felt him move his other hand to the back of my head. He gently played with my hair before settling it down on my shoulder. Letting out a contempt sigh he spoke with the most gruffest, deepest, richest, most heart throbbing, knees weakening morning voice I had EVER heard in my entire life,

"Good morning mesh'la."

I couldn't even conjure up a simple 'good morning' reply as it rumbled out for only me to hear. Instead I settled on lifting my head up and giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. He let out a hum of delight and without any forewarning, he grabbed the back of my thighs and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. Not breaking the kiss he sat up and toyed with the hem of my shirt. My hands had automatically moved to the back of his neck to pull him closer. The kisses weren't desperate or lustfull, they were gentle and sweet like the fruit from Naboo. I was surprised how soft his lips were in the morning as they moulded together with mine in a graceful dance. Breaking apart from his lips with a smile I breathlessly said,

"Someone's in a good mood."

he looked at me with wonder as the sweet words fell effortless from his slightly swollen lips,

"It's hard not to be when I get to wake up with a goddess in my arms."

I blushed at his compliment and hid my face in his neck,

"Rex! It's too early for compliments like that!"

he chuckled and rested his hands on my thighs,

"I wasn't the one to begin the day with making out, not that I didn't mind it."

"Okay, okay, I get the point, you win."

lifting my head back up I gave him one last kiss before standing up and stretching. I was still in my night clothes that I had worn last night when I snuck out to the mess hall. My datapad was on his desk and I decided to go over and check if I had any messages for the morning. The chrono on the datapad showed that it was late morning, which could only mean one thing,


walking over to me and hugging me from behind he hummed,

"Yes, cyar'ika?"

"We overslept. We're gonna be so late."

his whole body froze as he turned his head to look at me with wide eyes,


holding the datapad for him to see he blinked a couple of times like he couldn't believe that we were actually late. Nodding slowly he spoke with a sheepish voice,

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