Chapter 3 - A temporary farewell

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Leading the air strike squadron with gunships and dropships mixed together was a challenge but considering the fact that we had the element of surprise it went well. Of course there are unfortunately casualties in a fight like this but they were not as high so we made it out pretty well with the troopers. But when it came to the number of Jedi that had been lost in the battle arena the costs had been far too high to the council's liking. My squadron had only lost one gunship and two dropships, the same as Master Yoda's squadron. This is the exact reason as to why I don't like being a leader: the losses get to me so easily. I had flown back to the cruiser after the mission had ended but I barely had time to jump out of the cockpit before a soldier ran up to me.

"Commander (Y/N), you've been ordered to join the gunship to pick up General Kenobi and his padawan back down on Geonosis."

He saluted me as I had thrown my helmet back into the cockpit.

"May I ask on whose orders?"

"General Yoda, sir."

Of course.

"Very well then, lead the way."

"Sir yes sir."

I jogged behind the trooper not minding to correct him about the titles since it would only waste time. We eventually made it to the gunship that already had a few troopers in it waiting for us. The trooper that had shown me the way informed me that he wasn't coming along. Nodding in confirmation I grabbed ahold of the horizontal pole above me to hold on to as the gunship closed the doors and lifted from the ground. I turned my head and saw that the troopers with me had the same model of armour as the others, although they had blue details and a thick blue stripe run along their arms. One of them coked his head my way and reached up to remove his helmet. Something familiar about him.. But before I could finish the thought he had already removed his helmet and had a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well if it isn't the temporary Commander."

"Told you I'd see you after the mission."

Replicating his smirk I heard his rich, low chuckle ring out quietly.

"How's the name coming along?"

He had moved a little closer so he was at an arm's length from me so the other troopers in the ship didn't get bothered by our conversation.


I gave him a small smile along with the short reply.

"..Rex..? Huh, Rex.. I kinda like it."

He was mulling it over, almost like he was testing it out before a smile started to grow. He looked at me and I could see the proudness in his eyes. He was proud to have a name rather than a CT number, no matter how foriegn it still might be for him.

"Well then, Rex, I'm glad that you made it out. These others must be a part of your squadron then I assume?"

It might be obvious by the fact that they all had similar blue markings on their armour but you never know.

"Yes they are, all of us are a part of the 501st battalion."

I looked around at the men standing in the gunship and I guess they might've heard Res's response since they all gave me a small nod. I gave them a lazy salute before turning back to Rex to continue our conversation. But the pilot interrupted with an announcement that we were at the location of Kenobi and Skywalker. Rex gripped his helmet but hesitated to put it on before saying,

"Duty calls, Commander."

This time I didn't bother to correct him as I knew he was just annoying me with his persistent smirk playing on his lips. I shook my head and faced the opening doors of the gunship that revealed an injured Master Kenobi and Anakin. The squadron's medic was with us and immediately jumped off to aid Anakin since his injury was more severe than Obi-Wan's. I jumped out of the gunship and went over to Master Obi-Wan as he looked up towards us. As I approached him I could see his shoulders drop slightly from relaxing, probably because we had arrived to pick them up. When I got to him I carefully put his left arm around my shoulders and my right arm around his waist to help him board the gunship seeing that his leg had been injured.

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