Chapter 11 - Aggressive negotiations

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Since I knew where Hondo's base was, I took us there directly. As I landed the ship and opened the hatch I saw out through the windshield that the pirates were surrounding the ship, just in case. Anakin and Obi-Wan were already standing by the hatch and walked out as soon as I opened it to greet Hondo. I made sure the ship was powered down before I stood up and started walking towards the open hatch. Hearing Hondo tell the two Jedi how excited he was for them to be there I got a bad feeling. If I know Hondo, this is not going to be so easy as it's planned to be. Walking down the ramp and out behind the two Jedi I could tell they were not expecting a third tag along. I raised my hands to show that I wasn't going to try anything. I made eye contact with Hondo between Anakin and Obi-Wan's shoulders. He stopped talking and smiled widely at me as he pushed past the Jedi,

"Ah! If it isn't the best mechanic in the whole galaxy!"

reaching me I put my hands down again whilst he slung an arm around my shoulders,

"Hondo, last time I saw you, you were in trouble with who was it? Ah yes, the Guavian Death gang."

smirking at him his smile faltered slightly before it lit up again,

"(Y/N) (Y/N), my darling dear, that is in the past, no? Let us focus on the deal we have in front of us, shall we?"

he dragged me along, temporarily leaving Anakin and Obi-Wan behind. He didn't remove his arm from around my shoulders as we walked into the big mess hall with long tables lined up in a big half circle. They were littered with already drunk pirates that tried hitting on the servers walking around serving them more drinks. He pulled us to the centre table, his table, but before we sat down we of course had to hand over our weapons. Right as I handed my tool belt over (Hondo doesn't take any chances since he knows my skill with fixing things) a server accidentally side stepped right into me. I crashed down on the floor whilst Hondo was quick enough to grab the server's arm to stop her from falling down on top of me. I crawled up so I was only kneeling down on one knee. The knot on my right boot had gone up when I fell down. I could hear Hondo shoving the girl away with a few quick words before looking down at me,

"I am so very sorry, are you hurt?"

I glanced up at him and motioned to my un-tied boot,

"No I'm fine, just got to re-tie it."

nodding, he beckoned Anakin and Obi-Wan over to the table to sit down. As I redid the knot on my boot I pressed my palm down on the inner side of my boot to feel the handle precisely where I wanted it to be. Standing up again with a easy going smile I walked over to their side of the table where they were sitting. As I moved to sit down next to Obi-Wan Hondo cleared his throat and gave me a look,

"My dear, wouldn't you be much more comfortable, say a little closer to your old friend and business partner?"

he motioned right next to him, very close. The offer made me uncomfortable to say the least, but this operation to get Dooku was delicate. To not upset him or get him in a bad mood I sat down right next to him as his arm went back around my shoulders. I hated the feeling but didn't let it show, although I knew that both Anakin and Obi-Wan could sense how I felt since it was such a strong feeling. Anakin cleared his throat and leaned an elbow on the table,

"So, we're here to confirm that Dooku is indeed here so we can negotiate a release payment."

Hondo paused as he was about to take a drink. Smirking he set his cup down and looked at me,

"(Y/N) dear, would you mind telling our guests how we pirates deal with business."

Our guests?! I'm here with them, not you Hondo. Smiling sweetly at him I looked back to Anakin and Obi-Wan,

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