Chapter 21 - Aruetyc aka

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"Aruetyc aka" = "foreign mission"

The battle on Ryloth was more intense that I'd imagined. When I landed on the designated coordinates I had been met by Master Obi-Wan, Commander Cody, Waxer and Boil. They briefed me on the situation as we were on the move to a village where the separatists had taken villagers as hostages. I was currently conversing with Commander Cody when the small group of troopers suddenly stopped. Cody's face flushed with confusion as he halted and looked around for Obi-Wan,

"What's going on?"

I shrugged as we went through the group to the front where we saw Obi-Wan looking out at something up ahead. Something on the ridge had caught his attention. As we came closer we saw why he was so interested. It was an old battle field. Broken down machines, weapons and armour were scattered all around. A few flags and pieces of fabric danced their lonely and broken dance in the remorseful breeze. With everything at a halt behind us, it was still and quiet. I could almost feel the echoes of the battle in the wind as my eyes wandered across the war ridden land. Looking to my left where Obi-Wan was I saw that he wore a frown at the sight before him. I was almost afraid to disturb the silence as I spoke quietly to Obi-Wan and Cody,

"When you're always in the heat of battle, it's easy to forget what follows after it."

he nodded solemnly, but gave no other reply. Cody was also quiet, he too was having mixed feelings about the scenery in front of us. The silence and stillness of it all made me relax without realising that I did. As I gazed out on the land I suddenly saw a movement. It was so small and fast that it should've been impossible to catch it. I tensed up and subconsciously rested my hand on one of my blasters as I focused on the area where I had caught it,

"I don't think we're alone."

Obi-Wan had already noticed me moving my hand to my blaster and Cody reacted when I spoke. Both of them looked closer on the field, but it appeared that they couldn't see anything as Cody spoke,

"I don't see anything, it might've been the wind pushing a piece of fabric."

Obi-Wan hesitated for a second before agreeing,

"I'm afraid he's right, (Y/N). There is nothing out there."

I knew when I had seen it that I had let my guard down, hence why I was able to catch the movement. Making sure that it was up again I looked at Obi-Wan with all seriousness,

"Master Obi-Wan, I know that I saw something, someone. Let me go down there and have a quick look."

he sighed and shook his head whilst crossing his arms to further strengthen his point,

"No, I will not allow you to go down there. We should keep going, we need to make contact with Syndulla so Master Windu can initiate his attack on Lessu."

I grunted in frustration at both Obi-Wan and myself. I knew that I was too kriffing stubborn to let this go. I couldn't! I know that I saw something or someone down there. I looked down at the dusty ground with my hands on my hips as I tried fighting my stubbornness to just let it go. But something was telling me to go down there and just look. That couldn't hurt, right? I let out a sigh and rubbed my eyes. I am so going to get yelled at for this. Looking back up at Obi-Wan I shrugged carelessly,

"You guys keep going, I'll check it out and make sure it's nothing."

Obi-Wan grumbled in frustration as he pointed a finger at me, who was slowly backing towards the ridge,

"(Y/N), you will not go down there and that's an order!"

"Sorry, can't hear you! I'll catch up with you later!"

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