Chapter 48 - Ash'ad

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"Ash'ad" = "Someone else"

"Haar'chak! Copaani mirshmure'cye, di'kut?" = "Damn it! Are you looking for a smack in the face, idiot?"

"The Jedi can be wise and very knowledgeable. But I fear that they have become blinded by the light of Coruscant. When you live amongst high class corruption for long enough without change, you no longer smell its foul stench."

"Would you have left even if you did not find this place?"


My father had taught me that it was impolite to spy on those that were having a private conversation. But the door was ajar and I heard their voices as I walked past, it was difficult to not stop and listen. Whatever they were discussing sounded grave and though I knew a little about the Jedi order, much still left me clueless as to how serious it was.

Qui-Gon turned his head to gaze outside the window as he pondered my father's answer, "Ever since I took on the responsibility of training my padawan, more weak points in the Jedi's teachings have come to light. I have had my doubts, but you know him, he always does things by the book."

"Huh, sounds familiar don't you think?"

Qui-Gon smiled and huffed a breath of laughter, "That was a long time ago, my friend. Things have changed since then."

The sun that had been resting behind the cover of clouds now gently shared its light through the open window, illuminating the room in a warm glow. Qui-Gon once again turned to face it and closed his eyes, embracing the soft touch of the rays caressing everything it reached. The sunshine glowed a richer gold, both Qui-Gon and my father now bathing in its light. The edges of their figures became more soft from the light and gently the breeze picked up the wisps of light that carried them away. Like the smoke from a blown out candle wafts carefully along the air, their figures glowed gold and disappeared into the sunshine, leaving the room empty. The door frame opened up and allowed the light to spill out onto me as I fell further from it. I felt as if I was being carried away by fate itself, a babe in her mothers arms leaving her home behind. Whispers of distant memories pass me by as flower petals drift through the air. I want to stay here forever. In the moment when I was so young and 'dangerous' was eavesdropping on my fathers conversations with Qui-Gon. Let me stay forever. Please.

A shriek of disregarded metal forced me to wake up. I was on my feet quicker than I had time to fully process the sound, making sure to stay in front of Ahsoka. She may still be pissed at me, but that is not a good enough reason for me to not protect her. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I forced myself to become fully awake in case something happened. The door opened to reveal the same escort from yesterday, EVA at the front to order around the MagnaGuards. Ahsoka had now also realised what was happening and to my surprise, she stayed slightly behind me.

"Grievous wants to speak with you."

I sighed internally and relaxed slightly from my defensive position. We walked towards the door when EVA's voice cut in again, "Only the mechanic. You stay here Jedi."

Opening my mouth to complain, two guards grabbed ahold of my arms and yanked me forwards. The sudden acceleration caused me to tumble onto the floor outside the cell as they banged the door shut. Coughing not only from the dust on the ground, but also from having the air knocked out of my lungs I slowly crawled up to stand, "Haar'chak! Copaani mirshmure'cye, di'kut?"

Dar'solus  [Captain Rex x reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang