Chapter 45 - Trattok'o

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Mando'a used in this chapter:

"Trattok'o" = "To fail"

The blaring alarm within the cruiser jolted me and Rex awake. Sitting up in a flash, I noticed that he had instinctively put an arm around me to keep me close. The alarm signalled that the cruiser was under attack. Are we still in Coruscant space? We both hurried out from bed and threw on our clothes, me being ready a bit faster as Rex had all of his armour and Captain garb to add on. But this was for sure not the first time that he had done it in a hurry as it went by so fast. As I threw on my jacket, I felt the hilt gently tap my side as it swung from the motion. Right, forgot about that. In an automatic movement I grabbed Rex's helmet and threw it to him with a quick, "Heads up!"

He easily caught it and retaliated by throwing over my last boot that I literally had to jump into, not bothering to close it properly. Both of us, being dressed within a minute, jogged out from his room and into the wide hallway that had troopers scurrying all over the place. We zig-zagged our way to the bridge and at some points it felt as if you were trying to run against a herd of scared Taun-Tauns when a wave of troopers came barreling your way. At one point in the flurry, Fives came running up besides us. Rex shot him a questioning look as there was no point in trying to verbally ask him over the deafening alarm that still rang throughout the cruiser. Fives only shrugged in the midst of his running, he had presumably also been woken up by the alarm. A harsh tug from the ship sent us staggering to the side and we felt the cruiser slightly list to the side. Something was attacking us aggressively and by the sounds, it was a surprise attack that managed to land a critical hit as we were still rushing to mount a sizable defence against them. Them most likely being the Separatists.

When we reached the bridge, we were met by Anakin calling out orders rapidly, officers running around and replying "Yes, sir!" even though it went completely unheard by anyone.

"Anakin! What's going on?!" when he whipped his head around to brief us on the situation, a ship caught my attention outside the viewport window. Heading straight towards us, "GET DOWN!"

Another hit right outside the control centre we were in caused us all to go tumbling to the floor. Shoulder hurting from the impact with the floor, ears thrumming with both adrenalin and noise from the explosion, that luckily was poorly aimed and only hit the side of the ship, I stood up and grabbed a hold of Rex's hand to help hoist him up faster.

"As you can probably tell, we're in a bit of a situation." I rolled my eyes at Anakin's tendency to never get straight to the point in dire situations.

"I gathered that. Now where are we and who are we up against?"

"We were in hyperspace heading out to our next mission to fend off the Separatists from invading another planet, but when we arrived they were waiting for us. We walked right into a trap!"

Fury rolled off Anakin's form in strong, rippling waves and I couldn't help the cold shiver that ran through my back. He was disappointed in himself for not being able to foresee that it had been a trap all along. Now he believed that everyone aboard this ship was suffering the consequences because of his recklessness. Not that it could possibly be his fault, but arguing over that now was not ideal nor the time.

"We have droids crawling all over the damn cruiser and our defence turrets can't catch them, they've managed to go beneath their range and are currently cruising along the ship's hull! I have every pilot on the ship jumping into their cockpits, the admiral is trying to make us get out of here as fast as possible." His eyes were in our direction but his mind didn't register us, instead they were flipping and turning this whole ordeal any way possible to find something, anything, that could create a window of escape.

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