Chapter 52 - Mhi solus tome

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Drink up me hearties, yo ho... better get the rum, dear readers.


"Mhi solus tome" = "We are one when together"

"Ni'koya darasuum" = "I'll stay forever"

"Hey, you there?"

Rex gently bumped my shoulder as we walked along the hallways, taking our time as we headed towards my room. Chuckling a little I nodded, "Just got lost in thought is all."

He nodded, but he knew there was something more to it than that. But he decided to not dig deeper in the subject.

Around us there were a few troopers that would pass us by, waving or nodding as they did. But as the news of us heading back to Coruscant had now been properly announced, everyone had relaxed and took the time to start getting ready to wind down. It was a very comforting atmosphere to be in, everyone calm and not anxiously waiting around for the deployment alarm. Genuine smiles were all around and the air itself seemed to be so much lighter, as if we were all camping in a green field with a clear blue sky above us. Some laughter could be heard from time to time, sometimes near us or further away, muddled by the distance.

"Would you join them if you got the chance?" Rex asked. Voice lower than usual and his tone was somewhat mellow, as if he was asking a doctor if he was dying.

Understanding what he was asking about I laced my fingers through his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "Rex, no matter how good of an offer they could make me... I could never leave the 501st," I peered into his amber eyes as they caught the hallway light in a most beautiful way, "You, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Tup, Kix, Ahsoka, Anakin and even Dogma are all apart of my family. I've already lost one and I'm not planning on losing another. Ni'koya darasuum."

Rex seemed relieved to hear it, although he didn't want to make it apparent as he must've felt a little guilty that that was what he had been hoping for.

Clone force ninety-nine had been tempting with their special ways of running missions and not taking the regulations to heart. It seemed to fit my own style where I would only sometimes follow the rules properly without doing things my way. The group of course were a bit special with their stark personalities and abilities that succeeded not only other clones but also everyone else in general. But I couldn't leave a place like this within the 501st where I had grown so close to the people around me and the work I did with them. The boys had saved my life in the field as many times as I had saved them. Our relationships ran deep as the roots of a mountain. That's not something you give up easily.

Rex joined me in my room to spend time together as we had not had the chance to in what seemed to be an eternity at this point. He immediately clipped off his shoulder pauldron and his dual holsters, putting them down neatly on my desk before tearing off his gloves. He flexed his hands and I saw his shoulders sink down in relaxation. Going over to my wardrobe I stuffed away the lightsaber hilt in my bag again. I would be bringing the bag with me tomorrow, so it was best to keep it hidden inside it for the moment. While I was there I grabbed a new set of clean clothes as I was not too fresh after spending time in a stale and humid mountain bunker.

Giving Rex a kiss on his cheek I told him that I'd be right back after taking a shower, but I only made it half a step before he spun me back around, smiling playfully, "On no mesh'la, you're not getting away with that."

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