Chapter 44 - Cuyir hettir

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"Cuyir hettir" = "To be burned"

"Gedet'ye" = "Please"

"K'uur" = "Hush"

~ Mature ~

"Wow... that's– that's a lot to take in..." Fives eyes were looking at me, yet not seeing me as I saw his mind rapidly trying to wrap itself around everything. I had just told him about who I was, truly was.

After telling Rex, he helped assure me that it would be okay to tell Fives. I had too either way, it was what I owed him after what he saw. So here we were, in the lonely southwest corridor and even Rex was here too, leaning against the wall by the door in case someone else got within earshot. I wore a longer jacket that could conceal my lightsaber hilt that I had brought with me. Rex hadn't seen it yet. I looked over to him and gave a single nod. He locked the door and joined me and Fives by the window.

Fives gave some room and I brought out the hilt from an inside pocket that I had added to the jacket myself for this very reason. Outside the window was Coruscant. The big planet covered in a web-like pattern with glowing lights. We were currently on standby as Anakin and Ahsoka had taken a ship down to the surface where they would be meeting with the Jedi counsel for something important. I hadn't bothered to pay attention to it as so much else had transpired recently. My eyes halted at the sight of the planet, my hands subconsciously gripping the hilt closer to me as the flashbacks of arriving here as a kid interrupted my vision. After a short moment I snapped out of it and took a deep breath as I ignited the lightsabers two crystal white blades. I kept my connection to the kyber crystal at the bare minimum so I could still conceal my presence within the Force. Being so close to Coruscant, it was simply a safety precaution.

Carefully I looked from the planet to Rex. His armour slightly illuminated by the glow as his eyes scanned it over. For him it was easier in a way to take in the sight as he already knew about the truth before seeing it. And Fives, well he was just ogling at the sight again, now with more adoration than surprise.

"Can I hold it?" a surprise laugh escaped me as Fives asked his question.

"Have you ever held a lightsaber before?"

He gave me a quick glance before looking back down to the hilt and inspected how my own hands currently held it, "No... it's not that difficult. Right?"

Giggling, I shrugged and carefully twisted it so Fives could gently grab it without getting stung by the vibrating blades, "Here."

Fives eyes lit up almost as much as the lightsaber as his hands cautiously grabbed it. When it rested in his own hands, a small gasp emitted from him from pure excitement. The sight was equal to that of a youngling being gifted a brand new toy for life day. It warmed my heart to see him smile so bright again. Of course, the responsible part of me made sure to be on alert in case one of the ends would end up too close to touch him. But his eyes that regained its lively colour that I had missed so within my friend was so wonderful to see again. His little laughter that bubbled to the surface was relieving to hear. I used the Force to deactivate one side of it so it would be easier to handle for him with the very limited knowledge on how to operate it, "There, now you're officially a Jedi, Fives."

He corrected his hold on it and mimicked the hold that Anakin used on his lightsaber in combat, "Wow... wizard." He carefully started moving it around, twisting his wrists as the blade hummed in the air, almost as if inviting Fives to play Jedi. As he became more and more comfortable with it in his hands, he moved around more and more, a little away from me and Rex to have a safe perimeter to not accidentally cut our arms off.

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