Chapter 42 - Mirdala beskar'ad

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Mando'a used in this chapter:

"Mirdala beskar'ad" = "clever droid"

"Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum, Echo." = "I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal" —  Remembrance of those passed on, followed by the names of those being remembered. 

"Ow! Son of a–" muttering furiously under my breath I slumped back down on the floor. The metal flap that just hit me on the head idly swung back and forth, taunting me with a silent shit-eating grin.

"You okay there, (Y/N)?" looking to my right I saw Rex, Jesse and Hardcase looking my way. Jesse also sporting the grin as he and Hardcase horribly failed at silencing their laughter. Rex only stood there quietly, not laughing or saying anything. Just cautiously observing, at first there had been a gentle tug at his arm as if he wanted to go over and make sure I was okay. But he had stopped himself and redirected his eyes elsewhere.

The motion stung but I pushed it down. I had no right to be sour about the consequences of my own doing. Ignoring the question I yanked off the metal flap from its rusty hinges and sent it skidding along the floor towards my portable tool table. I'll pick that up later. The hangar had been full with things to do as the last battle had taken quite a toll on our gunships and carriers. Ever since Echo died and Fives found out about my true nature two weeks ago, I had made sure to keep myself busy with work. The reality of someone finding out had been a harsh slap to the face and it had made me even more scared to talk about it. I hadn't talked to Fives about it since he found out either. He had become more drawn back and rarely said anything more than what was necessary, or did more than the missions and training required him to do. One night, a few days after the mission on Lola Sayu, I had walked past the eastern corridor with the massive windows. Out of the corner of my eye I had caught the sight of Fives standing by the window with Echo's scorched helmet held in his hands. Looking down slightly at the helmet he had been quietly speaking to it.

"If you saw me now vod, you would've laughed at me and told me something about me becoming soft. But you're not here to do that anymore," a grieving pause filled the space as he fought valiantly to hold the tears back so he could continue speaking, "You must be wondering why I'm doing this, standing here talking to your helmet like a mad man... well to be honest, I don't really know myself. Maybe I have gone mad, thinking that you'll hear me in whatever place you now rest in. Remember the day when you and I both came to the 501st from the Rishi Outpost? After Rex had saved us and brought us here to this cruiser where we met everyone for the first time?" Another pause filled the room, as if he was listening to the silent reply from his brother, "Yeah, I do too. I remember how the General told us that Cutup, Droidbait and Heavy were not that far away from us, even if they were dead. That was the day he told us about our souls being returned to the Force and made us ghosts when we're gone... or something like that. The point is, I guess I'm kinda hoping that you are a ghost... somewhere out there listening to me now. Hearing me say how much I miss you. The others do too."

As I hid behind the wall of the entrance I quietly let a few tears fall down my face. Fives was speaking to Echo's Force ghost.

"I miss you ner vod. I always will," he lifted the helmet up and tilted it forwards just a bit so he could lean his forehead against the helmet, "Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum, Echo."

"Hey, what are you doing?" snapping out of the memory I gazed up and saw Ahsoka leaning down her head to try and see what I was working on.

"Oh, I– I'm just uh, trying to fix the um... the console directional cooling towards the exhaust engine because it keeps messing with the firing thrusters that's off balance from the pressure it adds when you snap to a new direction in steering."

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