Chapter 14 - A Jedi and a clone

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The sun's first light was gently caressing my face as the night was finally over. Not a single creature had come close again after I killed the first one since they probably were afraid they would meet the same fate if they did. I looked down beside me to the sleeping Captain that had his back turned to me. He had slept soundly since I had asked him to get some rest. He needed it since I was guessing that we would be here a long time. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gently nudged him as I spoke,

"Rex, it's time to wake up. The sun is rising."

he grumbled a bit before rolling over onto his back and slowly opening his eyes. I smiled warmly at him as I removed my hand,

"Good morning sleepy head."

he sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking around. Turning around to sit next to me properly he spoke with a deep and rumbling morning voice,

"Good morning, seems like you had a quiet night."

Maker out there, I could listen to that voice all day. No (Y/N), pull it together. I nodded and stood up to stretch my back out. Rex followed suit and did the same before scanning the horizon, not that we could see if there was anything hiding in the tall grass anyways. He turned to me again and asked,

"How's the General?"

I put my hand on one of my hips as I glanced down at the unconscious Anakin,

"Nothing's changed, but if he doesn't get any help soon I fear-"

cutting myself off I drew my big vibro-blade as Rex drew his blasters. We had both heard the rustling behind me and I spun around to face the direction where it came from. He slowly and quietly moved so he was slightly in front of me as the rustling came closer to us. Feeling my body tense up for a fight and the grip on my blade tighten I was about to lunge forward when Commander Bly came rushing out with his hands up,

"Woah woah woah! It's just us!"

relaxing from the adrenalin rush I straightened up and put the blade back. Rex also relaxed and holstered his blasters as only Ahsoka appeared with him, plus a rolling ball of fur..? I eyed it suspiciously as it rolled up to Anakin in the makeshift tent, I opened my mouth to question it when Ahsoka beat me to it,

"He's name is Wag Too and his village is close by. He can help Master."

I nodded and left Ahsoka with this Wag Too in the tent as I walked up to Commander Bly,

"Where's the rest of the group?"

he had a solemn expression as he spoke in a low voice,

"The other troopers were killed by big creatures before we got to the village and Master Secura had to stay behind as a form of insurance that we would come back."

Rex put a hand on his shoulder as comfort for losing some of his men. I pointed to the dead creature that I had during the night identified as a Mastiff Phalone and spoke,

"Did it look like that?"

looking over to where I was pointing he nodded and I continued,

"I was able to find out that it's a Mastiff Phalone and that the planet we're on is called Maridun. It's a neutral system and has not been dragged into the war, yet."

both of the men processed the information as Ahsoka called out to us from the tent to come over. The Lurmen had stabilised him enough to be moved and now we just had to carry him all the way to his village. We built a quick and easy stretcher to carry him on as Ahsoka used the Force to move him from the ground to the makeshift carrier. Once on it, I offered to carry it with Commander Bly since Rex's shoulder was still sore from being hit by the Mastiff Phalone. Ahsoka was leading the way with Commander Bly and I behind her and Rex last so we could defend from both angles. Wag Too was rolling slightly in front of Ahsoka, even though he had to stop and wait for us to catch up. The walk was long but this time we wouldn't have to fear the nightly hours rolling around too soon. When we were walking down a hill I could see the little village in front of us. It was located on plain ground, surrounded by the high grass and the houses were built from giant pods from the big trees. We were greeted by Master Secura and the rest of the Lurmen that curiously inspected us from a distance. Putting down Anakin they circled around him to get a closer look at what we had brought with us. Hearing Anakin groan as he started waking up he eyed the Lurmen around him as he cautiously called out,

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