Chapter 27 - A lie too deep

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The hyperspace flight to the coordinates of the medical station didn't take too long, although it felt like forever. The silence between us had been thick like the humidity on Naboo's swap areas; sticky and it made you feel like you couldn't breathe. Anakin was still sour over the pirate thing, Ahsoka wanted to speak to me about me and Rex but couldn't since the others technically didn't know. Obi-Wan was the only one that didn't have any problem with me. He just sat idly in the seat to my left on the other side of the door to the cockpit. When we left hyperspace and could see the planet of Felucia in front of us, Obi-Wan was the first to say something,

"At least there doesn't appear to be any Seprartist ships nearby."

Anakin scanned the open space between us and the planet as Ahsoka pointed out,

"There, it looks to be the medical bay."

looking forwards and out the window I saw her pointing at a structure of some sort up ahead. From this distance it looked like the medical bay, but something felt off about it. The hairs on my neck stood up as I commented,

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Obi-Wan went to say something again when Anakin beat him to it,

"Uh oh, Vulture droids. Strap yourselves in."

as I tightened the safety strap on my chair, I had to add on a last comment,

"What did I say? Bad feeling."

Ahsoka, also hurrying to strap in before she needed to aid Anakin with the controls of the ship, retorted quite annoyed,

"Not the time (Y/N)!"

although it was definitely not the time to be cracking jokes, I couldn't help but smile slightly. I really have a weird sense of humour. Anakin banked to the left to avoid the initial attack of flying vulture droids as they rushed towards us. This model of ship wasn't equipped with any blasters, only a shield to deflect oncoming shots from others. So our only choice was to revert back to defensive flying and try to make it out of here or to the ground of Felucia. Anakin knew this very well and was gunning for the planet's surface whilst trying to avoid being shot down or at least being hit, critically. The last thing we needed was to be hit in one of the engines so we would be stranded in the dead of space, surrounded by vulture droids. Actually, I guess being blown up is pretty bad too, now that I think about it. Since Obi-Wan and I were in the passenger seats, we couldn't do anything but watch and call out for any vulture droids that decided to come at us from the side. On top of that I knew how much Anakin hated it when others tried to tell him how to fly a ship. So I kept shut for the most part. As we swooped back, forth, and side to side in full speed to the planet, I couldn't shake the feeling of being so fidgety. I hated being in this position where I couldn't do anything to help us get out of the situation safely. My fingers were itching to grab on to the controls of the ship and fly us out of here. But as much as I wanted to do something, I knew that Anakin was a very good star pilot and cared about the others just as much as I did. I didn't have any doubts that he would do anything to make sure we would all be safe and away form the droids. Rocking back and forth inside the ship I listened to Anakin and Ahsoka calling out warnings or controls to each other. We were now entering the planet's atmosphere and the vulture droids were still tailing behind us, shooting feverishly as their programming wasn't fast enough to counter Anakin's menouvers. Just as we went to break out from the weil of clouds covering the sky, the ship shook violently as a loud boom went off behind me and Obi-Wan. Our heads jerked forwards from the blast and I knew instantly what had happened,

"We've been hit!"

the normal hum of the engines had in a second turned into a loud roar as we were quickly grabbed by the gravitational pull of the planet. Anakin started working the dashboard in front of him as he called out to us,

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