Chapter 23 - The Republic expendables

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Mando'a used in this chapter:

"Ni dinu ner gaan naakyc, jorcu ni nu copaani kyr'amur ner vod." = "Honor my offer of truce, for I would not willingly shed my brother's blood." - a strong promise made between two Madalorians 

"Haat, ljaa, Haa'it." = "Truth, Honor, Vision" - said when sealing a pact.

Also use of the Twi'lek language known as Ryl, although there are no offical translations I made my own up; translations appear after the scentence.

The next morning I awoke with some pain in my back from sleeping half sitting all night. The sun was rising beyond one of the mountain walls as I stood and stretched my aching back. Going down the small ramp of rubble to the others in the camp I noticed that the troopers that had been sent out on lookout were now switched as they milled about in the camp. I walked up to Luroon, who was sitting by a building wall with two other troopers,

"Morning Luroon, has anything happened yet?"

he followed my movements as I sat down next to him,

"Nope, nothing new so far. Here, some breakfast grub for ya."

I thanked him as I received a ration bar from him. They weren't tasty in any way, but on a mission you couldn't exactly be picky about what you wanted to eat. I nodded to the two other troopers that were seated on the other side of Luroon,

"I don't believe I've met you guys before, what are your names?"

they shared a quick smirk and I heard Luroon sigh tiredly next to me. Becoming confused by their reactions to my question I stopped mid bite and raised a brow at Luroon. He just shook his head and extended his hand to motion to the two troopers as he introduced them to me,

"(Y/N), this is CT-8301 and CT-8302."

still not understanding the reactions they shared before at my question I nodded hesitantly,

"So.. what? They're twins in some weird way..?"

"Not exactly-"

"Come on vod! Don't be shy, tell her our names!"

Luroon was interrupted by the one who had a jet black buzzcut of the two, CT-8302. The other one, CT-8301, nodded in agreement,

"Yeah, come on then! Don't make us do it!"

to say I was confused was an extreme understatement. After Luroon shot them both a dirty look he cleared his throat and motioned to each one of them again as he, properly, introduced them this time,

"(Y/N), meet Roger and Roger."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Their names are Roger and Roger?! Being so surprised by their names I burst out laughing. Roger and, well, Roger both laughed along with me. Luroon just groaned in annoyance at their childish behaviour and the fact that I didn't make it any better. After a few minutes of laughing I calmed down enough to be able to sit up straight and take calm breaths,

"How in the everloving Bantha rider were you two allowed to have those names?"

"No idea!"

it was Roger- well, Roger02 that was the first to respond. Next was Roger01 that added on,

"You should've seen the look on the Commander's face! He did not like it!"

"I still don't."

all of our heads snapped up to see Cody standing on my left side with his arms crossed in dismay. He had a frown on his face and eyed the two Rogers. They quieted down a bit, but their smiles were still very much prominent on their faces. Cody rolled his eyes at them and looked over to me,

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