Chapter 40 - Kar'taylir

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Mando'a used in this chapter:

"Kar'taylir" = "to know"

"Ke'gar kar'taylir ni?" = "Do you trust me?"


The gunship rocked gently back and forth, similar to that of the leaves on the big tree in the Jedi temple's garden swaying as the breeze pass on through. Small, frail leaves clinging to the tree. Not wanting to let it go, even though the tree might be dead, the leaves are the last to leave it. I hadn't let go of Fives yet. As the gunship now stood inside the hangar, I clung to him as he clung to me. The subtle ticking of the hot engine cooling down felt mocking. Ticking quicker at first, then fading to a slow tick every now and then.

Some had left the gunship to wind down from the extraction. Left were me, Fives and Obi-Wan. The last leaves to fall.

A hand on my shoulder, the voice of an old friend speaking gently, "Come now, you need tending to your wounds."

Falling from the window had granted me a bruised hip and a minor concussion. Small and insignificant things compared to what I deserved.

Pity. Was I about to drown myself in pity and self loathing? Possibly. No. That is not what Echo deserves. He would want me, us, to be strong and determined. Just like he was.

"(Y/N)," Obi-Wan urged me again. This time I listened. Helping Fives up from the floor I saw the similarities of him and a motionless sea. Silent and still it was just there. Numbly moving only if you wished it so. But there was no life to him, all that outgoing and glowing energy that had always surrounded him; gone. On Lola Sayu when the extraction arrived in the heat of battle to get us out of there, I saw his light vanish when he realised that Echo was not bound to be with us to escape. His despairing eyes cracking as his Captain, and close friend, told him of what had happened. Like the glass that had shattered at the explosion, his eyes shattered the same. Silent at first, it was the calm before the storm. Then, he broke. Never had I seen someone else so broken like he was at that moment. He crumpled to the floor and his soul breaking screams overpowered the roar of engines carrying us far away. No one tried to quiet him. Everyone knew.

Walking out from the gunship with both me and Obi-Wan guiding Fives who clutched Echo's helmet in his hand, much around us seemed to be muddled, unfocused. Stopping a bit away from the gunship I heard Fives sigh heavily before carefully lifting his eyes to mine, "Thank you, (Y/N)," his voice cracked from the screaming and crying he had done. Clearing his throat once he glanced over to Obi-Wan, "And to you too, General."

Obi-Wan smiled gently and laid a hand on his shoulder, "No need to thank me. Get some rest, it's been a long day."

Fives looked down to the floor again and nodded to himself.

"Hey, there you are. We've been looking all over for you," glancing to our right I saw Hardcase and Jesse come walking. Judging by the looks in their eyes, they had gotten the news of Echo's passing. They trudged up to me and Fives, each laying a caring hand on our shoulders.

"I unfortunately must attend to some reports. But I suspect you will be able to take care of each other. May the Force be with you," Obi-Wan received a confirmation nod from Jesse and Hardcase that followed by speaking to Fives. Before Obi-Wan left us, he added quietly to me, "I truly am sorry. I know how much he meant to you and your friend."

Glancing up at him I smiled, "I know you are. Thank you, Obi-Wan." Giving me a last smile he departed with his hands clasped behind his back as usual.

Seeing as Fives seemed in good care by Jesse and Hardcase I thought it be better that I leave him with his brothers for a while. Letting Jesse know that I would go to the medbay and for him to call on me if they needed anything, he nodded and I walked off as well. My hip was hurting as I put weight on it so I limped slightly, just so I wouldn't completely ruin it or tear any muscles apart. Walking along the halls, I felt the fatigue of the mission, the loss and the emotions start to settle in. It almost made me feel lightheaded. One thing you could say for sure was that the toll of losing three friends so close on, it made you numb. The harsh reality of war became harsher and all I could do was hope that this was as bad as it was going to get.

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