Chapter 9 - Two shinies

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Mando'a used in the chapter:

"Verd ori'shya beskar'gam." =  "A warrior is more than his armour." 

"Copaani mirshmure'cye, vod?" = "Are you looking for a smack in the face, mate?"

"alor'ad" = "Captain"


When we had landed in the hangar in Master Obi-Wan's cruiser, the Negotiator, we were greeted by Obi-Wan and two troopers from his battalion. Their armour was phase one but instead of blue markings like the 501st had, they had light orange markings. The two troopers' armour had seen a few battles since there were a few small scratches here and there but also had patches of grime on it that wouldn't wash away. They had their helmets on but as we got closer to them I noticed a small detail on the right trooper's helmet. On the side where their comlink was built in I could see a small dent. Sure, it didn't seem like a big deal but the dent probably damaged the comlink inside. If it hadn't given out yet it very well could in the middle of a future battle and the trooper would have no form of communication with the rest. Anakin was greeting Obi-Wan but I wasn't paying attention to what was being said as I was eyeing his helmet.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

snapping out of my thoughts I saw Anakin and Obi-Wan both looking at me,

"Huh? Sorry one moment. May I see your helmet trooper?"

I had glanced quickly at them before turning to the trooper as I held out my hand for it. He was confused to say the least and he looked to his General for help. I couldn't blame him, I was being very straight forward for the first meeting. Obi-Wan shrugged and nodded at his trooper that looked back at me and reluctantly took his helmet off so he could hand it to me. I gently took it from his hands and turned it to the right so I could see the dent properly before looking on the inside of it. Nodding to myself and then looking up at the confused bunch that were watching me I felt an explanation was in order,

"Right, sorry about that. I couldn't help but to see the small dent on your helmet. See this here?"

I held it up and showed everyone what I was talking about. They nodded hesitantly, not really sure where I was going with this,

"Well this dent here is right on the comlink system built into your helmets. Had it not been right on the system it would've been fine. But on the inside of your helmet it has broken one of the connectors which means that your comlink could give out unexpectedly. Then you would not be able to communicate with any of your brothers during a battle."

understanding why it was a big deal they nodded once again. The trooper who's helmet I was holding had slightly wider eyes as he realized the danger it could pose in battle. He spoke with a hint of embarrassment at not realising this before,

"I, I had no idea. Thank you, but how do I fix it?"

smiling I picked up a thin needle looking tool from my belt. I poked around inside his helmet a little and made sure it was properly connected before holding out my hand with his helmet for him to take,

"No need, that's what we mechanics are here for."

he took his helmet back and looked at it before placing it under his arm,

"Thank you again, (Y/N) was it..?"

"Yep, anytime..?"

fishing for his name he straightened up a little as he replied,

"Waxer of the 212th battalion."

"Well then, anytime Waxer."

Obi-Wan, who had been observing our conversation sensed that I was going to ask the other trooper about his name. So instead he cut in to finish up our introduction for us. Normally I would've taken offense at being interrupted but I understood that he and Anakin had a lot to discuss regarding Grievous,

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