Chapter 36 - Dar'yaim I

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"Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la."


The haunting carbon scorching on his helmet wreaked of death's handprint. It weighed heavy in my hands and my gaze was stuck on his empty visor. Echo. The burning irony of it all was that the loss of him echoed within the rocking gunship that took us far away from his unwanted grave. Placing the helmet gingerly in my backpack, I walked over to Fives by the back of the gunship. He was slumped against the wall, head drooping down between his knees as a dying flower. When my hand touched the skin at his neck, shattered eyes met my own lost ones. A silence burying us in grief thrummed like a slow heartbeat as I embraced the sole man in front of me. His armoured arms digging into me, head hidden on my shoulder and screams muffled in my hair. I didn't try to make him quiet down, he needed to be loud. To let the cruel fates know what they had done to him. To Echo, his other half. My sorrow was like the light pitter-patter of falling rain in the summer nights after a drought. It was needed and yet not wanted. Fives, he was the merciless storm on the seas that sailors were warned about and lost to. Roaring winds whipping across that screamed it's agony to the world. Harsh rain bearing down with the full force of a thousand sorrows drowning those nearby.

For what is a sun without his moon to follow?

One without the other is lost, the balance forever deranged.

All Domino's fallen, but one left to his sorrow.

A brother now lone, feeling estranged.


"Carbon freezing?"

Anakin smiled and looked at me, who was very sceptical of the so-called idea.

"Yeah, they scan every ship that comes in for a landing and in carbon freezing, they won't pick up on our life readings. It's foolproof."

Gnawing on my bottom lip I shrugged,

"Alright, I got nothing better."

I walked back to Rex, Fives, Echo who were all in discussions with Commander Cody. Obi-Wan and he had recently joined us when I had been in talks with Anakin about the details this endeavour would require.

"Commander Cody, it's good to see you again."

He gave a nod,

"Good to see you too, (Y/N). Especially since the last time I saw you, you were bleeding on a stretcher from the Ryloth campaign."

"Yeah, left a nasty scar that one."

I brought up the right side of my shirt, revealing a treacherous bloom-like scar.

"Speaking off, Boil and Waxer send their regards."

A smile grew on my lips and we fell back into casual conversation as the Ugnaught technicians were working on getting the carbon freezing ready for us. I had never been in one myself, but I had put others in it and heard the tales of the aftermath that could occur should you be freezed for too long. Echo, to my left, had a slight crease between his brows that told me that he was worried. I placed my hand on his arm, gaining his attention.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

He exhaled shakily and smiled lightly,

"Yeah, yeah, just– I don't know, got a bad feeling I guess. I know casualties are unavoidable in war, but I... I'd hate to lose any of you."

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