Chapter 28 - Not this again

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Kyzo language is used up ahead and because there is no formal translations, I have made up my own. Translations appear right next to the spoken dialouge.


Nightfall crept slowly behind us who were following the sun's direction. The Pritamf ridge was much further behind us now than when we had landed, at a safer distance. As we wandered, Ahsoka had fallen into step with me and we had made casual small talk about almost anything and everything. But the boys had stayed behind, mostly quiet although I had a sneaky feeling that they were just listening to us. Anakin had still not completely let go of his suspicion towards me. Like the sun still peaking over the horizon not wanting to fade just yet, he wasn't ready to fully let it go. A while back Obi-Wan had pointed out that he looked troubled, asking what was on his mind. Ani had taken a moment before answering,

"Nothing important, just something that'"

Of course, Obi-Wan hadn't missed that Ani looked my way when he answered. I suppose that's why they were both so incredibly quiet from then on. I didn't like it. Ahsoka and I had now settled into a comfortable silence. The last sunbeams were gently caressing our skin and the warmth was ever soothing. These were moments I cherished dearly. Like on Maridun when the sun was setting on me and Rex. Rex. His very name warmed me inside and all else soundly floated away as I entered a soft, fuzzy state of mind.


Not again. Looking sheepishly at the smug togruta next to me, I smiled innocently,

"Yes, Ahsoka..?"

Her eyes lit up in a annoyingly playful way,

"What's on your mind? Or who?"

Thankfully she had enough of a mind to lower her voice to make it more difficult for Anakin and Obi-Wan behind us to hear. Involuntarily blushing I pushed her shoulder in a weak attempt to make her fall into the mud. But she was prepared for it and grabbed my wrist so I couldn't even get close to her shoulder. I eyed her and raised a brow, as a way to ask if she was challenging me. She smiled smugly and subtly nodded her head. Oh it's on Snips. I tried kicking her knee to make her buckle, but she jumped forward enabling me to wring my wrist free from her grip. She stuck her arm out to push me in my stomach and I grabbed it and twisted it behind her back, almost as if I was arresting her. Ahsoka had always been very acrobatic in her style of fighting, which meant that it wasn't very difficult for her to do a flip over me and strike a kick in my back to make me stumble forwards. On instinct I whipped around after finding my balance and countered her incoming "punches". We continued our play fighting, still making our way forwards by dodging each other. Obi-Wan and Anakin seemed to find us amusing as they contently kept following us. Nearing a tree that had a thick bio illuminated leaf hanging down in the middle of the path, I decided to use it to my advantage. Dodging to the left and diving for cover underneath the branch I thought I could get in a surprise blow at her. Keyword: thought. She saw it coming and swept my feet from the ground. I fell onto my back in the mud with a thud. The air knocked out of my lungs as I wasn't prepared for it. Wheezing a little I tapped the ground beneath me,

"Okay, you- you win this time Snips."

Standing directly above me she smirked,

"I knew I would."

Pointing up at her face I reminded her of her Jedi training,

"Hey! Don't get too cocky."

She only smiled and waved her hand a little,

"I'm not cocky, I just have trust in my own abilities."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Yeah, right. She looked ahead and pointed,

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