Chapter 12 - Home is where the heart is

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Once more I was slowly waking up from being drugged twice now. This amount of Spiceiad really can't be good for you. I felt a little cold and as I cracked open my eyes open I was again blinded by a bright light. Trying to rub my eyes I noticed that they were bonded together slightly above my head with durasteel that was connected to an energy hook. I blinked rapidly to be able to see, noticing that I was sitting down on my right hip with a very revealing outfit. The top was made out of a dark red fabric that was shaped like two triangles barely covering my chest. It was tight and made to accentuate my, womanly assets, if you will. I was wearing a "skirt", which was more like a red cloth hanging in the front and the back with small dainty, golden chains that hung between the pieces across my thighs. At least the small chains keep it a little connected so it doesn't reveal something. I also had small golden chains that hung from the top (or bra rather) that tickled my ribs a little when they swung against them from my breathing. Looking around I realised that I was indeed on display in the grand hall filled with pirates. The blue energy hook that held my hands up was strong and only a power outage could disable them. I was placed with my face towards Hondo's table of so-called honor where he could look at me as much as he wanted. And there he was, the bastard pirate himself, smirking at me as he leaned forward on his elbows,

"Ah, you're finally awake my dear. I hope you like your little place, it's better for me you see, because then I can make sure you don't try to escape again."

becoming irritated by him now I only ignored him and tried to pry the bindings off my wrists. Which turned out to be a very bad idea because Hondo pressed a button on a little control that sent electricity through my entire body. Screaming in agony as it painfully surged through my veins it stopped after a few seconds. I slumped together and breathed heavily as it was draining and painful. Hondo only laughed at the torture as he flipped the control in his hands,

"See what I mean? Ah, today is a wonderful day to be a pirate!"

he leaned back into his chair and put his hands behind his head. Propping his boots up on the table I noticed that my dual blasters in their holsters, my tool belt with blades and the Jedi's lightsabers were all there in a pile. Why is Dooku's lightsaber not there? I hung my head and took a few deep breaths before I looked back up at Hondo who already had his eyes on my figure,


meeting my eyes he hummed in acknowledgement,

"Yes my dear?"

frowning slightly at the nickname that he kept calling me I continued,

"Where are the others?"

instead of answering he sent another electrical surge through my body causing me to scream in pain again. When it passed I rested my head against my arms as I weakly asked,

"Why- why did you, do that?"

"Because my dear, you were asking a question that would aid you, should you try to escape again. So if you do, this happens."

before I could protest he sent another wave of electricity through me. This time it lasted a bit longer as it crackled all around me. It wasn't enough to make me pass out, but had it lasted a few moments longer I would've. Hondo knew this and he wanted me to stay awake so I couldn't escape the pain. My muscles were contracting from the sudden shocks and left me sore. The pounding headache didn't help the case either, only adding on to make me feel weaker for every second. All I could do for the time being was to sit there in front of everyone and try to endure all the looks and comments from the drunken pirates walking up to me. Luckily, Hondo didn't want them touching me, so if they did he would have his sober right hand man punch or drag them away. Seeing as there was no chrono displaying the planetary time, I couldn't tell how long it had been before someone walked up to Hondo and whispered in his ear. He shot out of his chair in rage and spat some words at the man before he walked up to me. Stopping in front of me and letting his eyes travel along my body until he met my eyes he smirked,

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