Chapter 39 - Dar'yaim IV

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As the Captain gently laid a kiss on his love's forehead, he pushed her away. She did not fight him anymore. Silently she parted from her life's light, heart furiously scratching at its walls to break free and take control once more. But her mind clasped the chains tighter around it, it would only get them both killed. Rex saw the hope fade from her eyes, colour draining and becoming dull. It hurt him, more than the wounds he already had adorning his body. He cursed fate for being cruel like this. Creating him only so he could love and then watch as it was torn from him. As she slowly stood up and cast her sorrowful eyes down upon him, he felt like a small boy in the halls of Kamino. Seeing the desperate big eyes of Nala Se as she went through their very first lesson, why they had been created. She appeared stoic, but she had a deep and hidden love for the boys she taught and raised. Echo, his brother, came jogging in and the rational part of Rex was relieved to know that he would help get her out of here.

"We've got incoming. (Y/N), get Rex up now so we can leave," he handed the Captain his helmet and turned to face the door for any early arrivals. As Echo had been keeping watch, he had not heard any of the conversation that had been exchanged between his friends. Therefore, he knew nothing of the Captain's attempt at saving him and (Y/N) by staying behind.

Rex gazed at his empty visor and then back up to (Y/N) that had hope now shining in her eyes, "I suppose I don't have time to argue anymore."

As Rex put on his helmet again, my heart leaped with joy. I blessed Echo through any divinity that might be listening before putting one of Rex's arms around my shoulders and heaved him up from the floor. He was a bit unsteady still, but using me as leverage did help him manoeuvre forwards at a relatively good pace.

"Come on, if we head back the same way we came then we can take another route that should lead us down to the outside where we can meet up with the others," Echo spoke as he took point to lead us out from the control room, "I've rigged one of the panels too–"

"Well, well, well. A little rescue party was sent after all. How predictable."

Turning my head to the side I saw the warden, Osi Sobeck, grinning behind us with eight droids flanking him. In front of us I heard the familiar sounds of blasters being readied. A quick glance confirmed what I heard as more droids piled in from our planned escape route. Shit.

"I do say, when my experiment dragged your beloved Captain away I was doubtful that you would come running. But lo and behold, the girl couldn't let her love die," the warden's words dripped with sarcasm as he slowly circled us to be in front of us, "You all are really stupid for thinking this would work. Guards, take them."

The droids yanked Rex from my hold and as I tried to counter with a shot to the head, they hit my blaster out of my hand. It went flying onto the floor and skidded a few metres away. Turning to dodge from the grabbing hands of the droids, I was caught by Sobeck himself. He wrapped a strong arm around me, effectively grappling me and preventing me from moving any further.

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't go running from all the fun just yet," his voice hissed in my ear. His kind, the Phindian, were cold blooded and therefore had an abnormally cold breath. In contrast to the human one that was somewhat warm when felt up close. As adrenaline pumped through my muscles I could at least resist the urge to shiver from it.

Breathe, don't let him get to you.

A droid walked over and put cuffs on me, making sure to keep them in front of me so I wouldn't get access to my blade in the back. Sobeck released me as the droid dragged me off to stand by one of the consoles, near the window overlooking the landing pad below. Rex was being held roughly two metres in front of me and Echo three to my left. Sobeck walked up the window and looked down in quiet anticipation before casting a glance at me.

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