Chapter 16 - Uncertainties

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Mando'a used in this chapter:

"Mar'e" - "At last", a form of expression of relief.

"Ad'ika" - "sweetie, darling, son, daughter, kid"

"Vor entye, vod." - "Thank you, brother/sister/comrad." literally: "I accept a debt, "

"Cyar'ika." - "darling, beloved, sweetheart"

Groaning from the mild headache I groggily lifted my hand up to my face and rubbed my eyes. I started to sit up slowly and pinched the bridge of my nose before properly opening my eyes to a blinding white light. Flinching my head to the side I squinted my eyes to not let in so much light. When did my room become so bright? Blinking, I tried to adjust them to the light as I was able to crack them open a little and focus on my surroundings. Wait a minute, this isn't my room. When I was able to open them fully I saw that I was in the medbay with a few medical droids floating around doing.. something. One of them hovered over to me and spoke in a monotone voice,

"You are awake, I will call for medical personnel."

I just nodded carefully to not worsen the slight headache I already had. It floated away and not even a full minute later Kix came walking in with a datapad in his hands. He walked up to the right side of my bed where he gave me a side smile and chuckled,


rolling my eyes I smacked his arm. He faked a gasp and put a hand over his heart,

"How dare you hit your own doctor?!"

"Because he isn't acting like one."

Kix snorted at me before shaking his head at me and looking down at his datapad. I rubbed my eyes again as I asked him casually,

"By the way, how did I get here?"

alerted at my question he shifted his eyes to me and drew his eyebrows together,

"You don't remember what happened?"

giving him a blank look I sarcastically replied,

"If I did, do you really think I would ask you?"

as he went to answer, the door flew open to reveal Wolffe walking in with his helmet tucked underneath his arm. He walked up on my left side and sat down on the edge of the medical bed I was on and asked,

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

I- what- huh?! THE Commander Wolffe is asking ME how I'm FEELING?! In the corner of my eye I saw how Kix was equally confused at his question. Wolffe on the other hand pretended like Kix wasn't there as his eyes searched mine. Realising he was waiting for an answer I cleared my throat and answered, confusion still lingering,

"I'm uh- I'm fine. I just can't remember how I got here or what happened."

although his usual frown was on his face I could almost feel him soften ever so slightly. His eyes stayed connected to mine as he gently put his gloved hand right above my knee,

"Well, we were in the hangar watching the senator screaming his throat out as they took him to the Coruscant guard transport. Suddenly you gripped your head and became unbalanced. We tried talking to you but you were in like a trance until you collapsed."

as he told the story I started to remember everything again. The echoing of voices. The screaming. The flash of light. I nodded slowly and kept my gaze on his hand, still resting unbothered on my lower thigh. Kix, who had been quiet since Wolffe walked in, finally spoke up,

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