Chapter 41 - Hut'uunla

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"Hut'uunla" = "cowardly"

Deactivating the blades I flung forwards and clamped my hand over Fives mouth as I yanked him inside my room, the door automatically closing behind him. I locked it and removed my hand from his mouth. He started bewildered at me as I went back to my closet and dug the hilt back down deep into my bag.

"I-It's not what it looks like! I'm not a Jedi. You saw nothing." my right arm that Maul had trapped was sore and I could barely get my fingers to hold on to the rough fabric. Fives was silent behind me, only small gasps of air escaping as he seemed to have had his mind completely stirred up by what he saw. I shut the closet door and rested my forehead against the cool metal for a second. What have I done? I promised. I promised myself never to touch it again. Gritting my teeth painfully together I slowly turned back around to face my friend, "Please Fives... you can't tell anyone about this. Not Jesse, not Hardcase, not Kix and not even Ech– ..." cutting myself off I realised that my mind had apparently not fully grasped the idea that Echo was gone. Only when I looked down to the floor in shame did I realise that I was slightly swaying, my body slowly losing the energy to even stand up. This was too much for one day. I moved over and slumped down into my bunk bed as Fives was still lost in thought, seemingly trying to take it all in.

"But... (Y/N), you have the Force! A-And a lightsaber! Doesn't that make you a Jedi? And how– why did you not tell us?! Does Commander Tano know? Or the General?" as Fives rattled on, more and more questions spewing out, I rubbed my temples from the mild migraine that bloomed within. After a while, Fives took notice that I didn't answer anything and he became quiet. Walking over he gently sat down beside me and twiddled with his hands.

"I'm sorry I– I just don't know what to say I guess," he let out a small huff of a laugh, "Echo would've known what to do and say in a moment like this."

I cracked a smile and let my hand fall to my lap, "Yeah... yeah he would've." I leaned my head against Fives shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I was afraid. I... I thought it would hurt you or something, I don't know. I was too caught up in my own past to see beyond it."

He hummed in acknowledgement at my words. Listening and slowly letting his mind work through everything.

"I suppose now that you know, I should tell you everything about it... or me. If you'd like," Fives stayed silent next to me and I could feel how tense he was. Reminding myself of his loss and the level of exhaustion he must be at, I added on, "Tomorrow or the day after that. Then I'll tell you if you still want to know. For now, you need rest and some time, Fives."

He nodded absentmindedly before blinking a few times. Looking up at me, a careful smile tried to grow on his lips, "Yeah.. yeah that sounds good."

I lifted my head from his shoulder and he stood up, me following suit. I gave him a hug that he accepted wholly, "You're going to be okay, Fives. It will take time, but you know that we are all here for you."

His response was muffled slightly by my hair as he buried his head in the crook of my neck, "I know."

Letting him go after a minute, I walked him to my door and unlocked it. The door responded with a soft sigh as it opened out to the hallway outside. I leaned on the door frame to keep it open as he passed by me and paused. Glancing back at me he hesitated for a moment before asking, "Does Rex know?"

A dagger of guilt struck my heart, making my head drop down slightly, eyes focused on my shuffling boots, "No."

Fives nodded to himself and said goodbye, leaving me alone in the open doorway. I heaved a sigh and as I stepped back inside I felt a shiver run up my spine. I could sense Anakin coming closer. As the door closed once more behind me I cursed and racked my brain for a good lie if need be. Running a hand frustratedly through my hair I wished for everyone to just leave me alone so I could sleep. I hadn't slept in what felt like days at this point. Not even taking a step further into my room, he knocked on my door. I flung out my hands in a motion of frustration and dragged them over my face before collecting myself. Turning around I opened the door. Again. I should just get a swing door at this point, "Hey, Anakin. How are you doing?"

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