Chapter 29 - A pirates greatest treasure

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!!Usage of the Kyzo language, as there is no official translations I have made my own that appears net to the dialouge!!

Mando'a used in the chapter:

"Ner kar'ta" = "My love", or literally; "My heart"

"Al tion'ad hukaat'kama?"  = "But who's watching your back?"

Arriving at Hondo's camp, he made it clear that I was not to be touched until the 24 hours had passed. His gang of pirates grunted in disappointment at the order, but shrugged it off and moved on with their day. He took the opportunity as well to relieve me of my dual DC-17 blasters that were holstered on each of my thighs and vibro-blade, just so I didn't get any funny ideas. What I hadn't thought about was that Hondo would keep me close at all times, meaning I couldn't mess with their equipment to make it malfunction. Great planning there, (Y/N). Really outdid yourself with this one. Feeling bummed out I tried to listen in on their conversations instead to see if I could piece out some information about their plan for when the 24 hours were up. I knew that Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka would stay now and help the village since I went with Hondo. And they would not be so keen to just surrender all of the nysillin from the harvest. I heard Hondo and one of his pirates talk about "the gift" for the village if they didn't receive the harvest. Knowing Hondo, it wasn't a pot of flowers exactly. Using my vambrace I did manage to get out a small message to Obi-Wan about their "gift". Every little bit of information could help them, or at least prepare them for something so they wouldn't be caught off guard. At first I just sat there as Hondo did some instructing and dealing with his mates. Mostly things that weren't relevant to the whole nyssilin thing here on Felucia. Then, after a boring hour or two, the steady stream of pirate business all but evaporated. Hondo was leaning back on his chair and kicking his boots up on the table, arms supporting his head. Silence fell and I was glad, my tired mind couldn't handle more talking and laughing at the moment.

"Do you remember that time when you helped me trick that criminal gang off my back? In exchange for a... repulsor something?"

Rolling my eyes I corrected,

"Not repulsor, VAT hydraulic."

Waving one of his hands to almost erase my correction he continued,

"Yeah, yeah, it was a valuable part that I happened to have on hand."

"And you refused to give it to me, unless I either paid you double the marketing price or helped you out with the Toraah thugs that hunted you all the way from Nar Shaddaa."

Getting excited that I remembered it he sat up and pointed my way,

"Yes! And we tricked them good! Oh, I still can't believe you managed to take out seven of their thugs! I mean, wow you were a good pirate back then!"

"I was fourteen, Hondo."

He laughed and shrugged,

"That is only a minor detail and not important."

I rolled my eyes at him, but as much as I tried to stay stoic I couldn't help but smile at the memory. It was a crazy experience and we nearly didn't make it out alive. It was a part of my more rouge teenage years where I felt so lost and like nowhere would be my home. Hondo nudged my arm with his boot and I looked up to see him grinning. Knowing what he was thinking I shook my head vigorously and waved my cuffed hands as if I could remove the idea from his brain,

"Oh no! No, no, no, don't get any ideas Hondo! Those days are far over for me, I've got more important things to focus on now."

His grin shifted to a genuine smile,

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