Chapter 4 - Welcome to the 501st

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Finally everyone was back on Coruscant, including the clone troopers, but the heart of the city was a big mess. The Jedi council was in constant meetings to discuss the oncoming of the war that had followed the mission on Geonosis. Same with the senate, they were having meetings almost every hour of the day regarding the clone army and if they should engage in this war with the enemy known as the separatists. I was back in my office in the Jedi temple getting ready since I was most certain that they would have to engage in the war some way to defend themselves from the separatists. It wasn't much to pack, I didn't really have many personal belongings from the beginning as I was used to always being on the move. I had a simple leather sack that contained my cape, a special item, my black vest and some spare clothes. The holsters with my DC-17 blasters were still on my thighs and as usual my equipment belt was around my waist. I left my sack right beside the door to my office before heading back out into the hangar where I was helping an astromech with some of the wiring.

"Alright buddy, I got the new wires for you."

The white and blue astromech beeped back at me rather annoyed.

"Hey! I'm not that slow, at least not as slow as your little computing circuit."

As soon as the words left my mouth the astromech beeped very angry at me and even had the nerve to zap me!

"Ow! Okay okay calm down! I'm sorry I didn't mean it!"

Holding my hands up in surrender it looked at me before beeping strenly,

"Right, I'm sorry R2-D2, I take it back. There, are you happy now?"

Pausing R2 looked at me before blowing a raspberry and turned its head away from me. The nerve of this droid! Although the electric zap did sting a little I couldn't be mad at R2, he was the reason I loved astromechs. They didn't take shit from nobody and weren't afraid to tell them either. I only shook my head as I carefully used a tweezer to pull the old wiring out so I could plug in the new ones. As I slowly pulled each of them out on both ends I let my mind drift back to Rex. I hadn't seen him since we saluted each other on the now called Jedi cruiser. It's been a few rotations since then and I was curious as to when we were going to meet again. My supposed meeting with Master Yoda and Anakin had been postponed since there was a lot for them to discuss already. Without noticing I accidently grabbed two wires with the tweezer, one that I was supposed to grab and one underneath it that I wasn't supposed to grab. So when I pulled them out I sent a small electric shock through R2's system causing him to give off a scream.

"Oh I'm so sorry R2!"

I quickly plugged the wire back in and put the tweezer back in my tool belt. He looked at me and started to beep so angrily at me that he was rocking back and forth.

"R2! Calm down! I'm sorry I didn't do it on purpo- Hey you take that back! I am a very capable mechanic!"

I stubbornly crossed my arms across my chest in a defensive manor and gasped at what he was saying.

"Excuse me? I started working when I was very young and probably know more about starships than you do-!"

As I was arguing with the astromech I didn't notice Anakin approaching the scene trying to stifle his laugh at our heated argument. He stopped two steps next to me and crossed his arms as he waited for either of us to notice him.

"- no like I said it was not on purpose! Will you just quiet down and let me finish replacing the wires? I promise you that nothing else will happen and I won't say a word!"

R2 beeped abruptly before turning his head to the other side.

"Hey R2! What did I say about being difficult?"

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