Chapter 30 - Oh Captain, my Captain

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Mando'a used in this chapter:

"Fierfek"  = very strong curse word, close to "Fuck"

"Kar gar ni'duumir?"  = "Will you allow me?", a sincere way of asking for permission

"Elek." = "Yes.

When we arrived back on the Resolute I saw Kix waiting with other medical personnel in the event of injured troopers. I didn't even need to remind Rex about his promise as he just followed me to Kix. Kix smiled warmingly at us, but I noticed how his eyes flicked over to the bruise on my cheek,

"Ah, you got work for me (Y/N)?"

I chuckled and gave him a nod,

"Not much from me, but Rex needs to have a look at his shoulder. I'll just need some ice for the bruise."

Kix put a hand on his hip and raised a mocking eyebrow at me,

"Last time I checked, I'm the medic. Not you."

I rolled my eyes at him as he smiled and motioned for us to follow him to the med bay. He gave me ice and had Rex sit down on the medical bed.

"Well the Captain is going to be held up for a while, so you're free to go unless Rex needs you to hold his hand."

Rex deadpanned Kix that completely ignored him as his head was turned my way. I nodded and got up,

"I'm pretty sure Rex doesn't need that, Kix."

Kix shrugged and smiled teasingly,

"Chiller thinks otherwise."

Maker above, I really thought we were done with this. My cheeks involuntarily heated up a bit as Rex shoved his shoulder,

"How many knows?"

Rex was agitated, yes. But he was completely composed, not letting his irritation show through his body language. Guessing from Kix's hesitation towards Rex, his eyes were maybe not as calm. Kix swallowed nervously,

"Only me, Fives, Echo, Hothead, Jesse, Dogma, Tup, Hardcase and the Commander knows only that you like (Y/N) but no more details."

I facepalmed. There was no possible way of keeping secrets in this battalion. Chiller had told all of our closest friends that he caught me and Rex making out in the hangar. Great. Already I was scrambling my mind for a possible revenge against them. They wouldn't get away with this. Rex tightened his fists but surprisingly unrolled them after taking a deep breath. He must've remembered what we talked about before I left for Felucia. I smiled a little to myself before shrugging and sighing loudly,

"Oh well, guess that makes it possible for me to do this."

I walked the three short steps over to Rex and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before turning and walking away,

"See you later, Rex."

Ice bag in hand and an unusual happy pep in my step I started navigating towards the mess hall. I was starving for some food. Sitting alone at a table I stuffed my mouth full with food as it felt like forever since I last ate. The mess hall was quite empty at the moment, only a few crew officers sitting scattered here and there looking at something on their tablets. A group of troopers were sitting around a table laughing at each other and cheering on two of them that seemed quite engaged in something. My guess was on a game of Sabacc since it was easy to carry around in your bag of personal belongings, it barely took up any space. Emptying the last of the grub I had grabbed, I released a heavy sigh to myself. Finally I was able to relax and not have to worry about possible threats hiding in the nearby flora, or finding shelter for the night and making sure to get in contact with an extraction team so you could ensure a way home. Home. I was home. In this big, almost empty mess hall I felt home. This whole cruiser felt like home. Surrounded by clone troopers and crew members that all were like family. A few being the closest family I had ever had. And with Rex. Someone even closer than family. Someone I... I loved. I'm in love with Rex. I paused, nerves silently going into high gear. I am in love with Rex. My heartrate picked up and it was like I had electricity thrumming through my veins. Eyes flickering slightly by my rapid blinking I got caught in a silent tornado. My mind in a frenzy about the realisation. What do I do now? How would I go about telling him? Does he even feel that strongly about me? Could it affect my performance in the field, knowing that I now had something to lose? So many questions and so little answers. I was too tired for this, they would have to remain unanswered for now. Closing my eyes I could almost feel the questions ebb out when I forced them out of my mind. Right now I wanted to relax, take a hot shower and hang out with the boys or sleep. Leaving my food tray and heading through the corridors to my room I got a ping on my vambrace, making me pause in the hallway. It was a message from Anakin, 'heading back to Coruscant for some R and R'. My shoulders sank with relief at the message. A weight had slid off them and I felt how sore I was in them. We would finally get a break from constantly being sent on mission after mission. Taking a deep breath of air was now so much easier that the weight of war had eased. But at the same time, my mind creeped with the knowledge that it would go on with or without us. People would still die, soldiers and innocent. I steeled myself in determination. No. Your only focus for now is relaxation and catching up on sleep on your temporary leave. Briskly walking back to my room I laid out a change of clothing before removing the ones I was currently wearing. I let my tool belt drop carelessly to the floor with a heavy clunk noise. But my thigh holsters I was more careful with. As they still held Rex's dual DC-17's in them I snapped them off and laid them on my bed gently, my vambrace and comlink I threw onto my desk. The empty vibro-blade seeth at the back of my belt gaped at me. I had lost it to Hondo. Dank farrik! I'll have to get a new one on Coruscant. Clamouring to get out of my clothes I finally made it into the shower and let the hot water pour down on my head and along my entirety as everything else faded. All thoughts of war, missions, losing people I loved and stress was rinsed off and my muscles relaxed from tense wiring to a soft cloud. The grime from sleeping on the ground in Hondo's camp became diluted mud that briefly collected on the floor before disappearing down the drain. As I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm water all else faded to a blissful hum and there was only me, my mind still like untouched flowers. After a few more minutes I dragged myself out from the shower and wrapped a towel around me. It was a bit ragged against my skin that to comparison was nice and smooth from the soap I used. Making sure the towel was secure around me I went back into my room, humming a little lullaby my father used to sing for me. My eyes were cast down on the floor as I contemplated possibly doing something before going to sleep.

Dar'solus  [Captain Rex x reader]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara