Chapter 5 - A snippy padawan

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I had settled in my room, which didn't take long since I just unpacked my leather sack and then did a change of clothes. I was now wearing dark grey cargo pants and a black shirt. Such a creative look with all the colors. Wow, I really impressed myself with this one. Shaking my head to get rid of the sarcastic thoughts I moved outside my room and towards the hangar. It went a bit faster to reach the hangar this time since I basically knew where I was going. I swept over the huge hangar and saw all the different ships standing about getting either loaded with supplies, or were currently being double checked. When the two troopers, now known as Hothead and Chiller, left my room I had gotten a com from Anakin where he let me know that every mechanic had been informed of my arrival so I wouldn't have to do that at least. As I was glancing around semi inspecting the ships I saw my eyes landed on an ARC-170 starfighter. The nose of the fighter was pointing slightly to my left from my position and I could see that something wasn't right with the attached S-foil on the right side. Knowing that I didn't have much time before we reached our destination I jogged over to it to take a closer look. When I reached it I could see that the rotational system on the S-foil was being blocked on the top of it. This meant that if the pilot were to activate them during a battle they would cramp up and that would most likely make the fighter crash. I got out the fitting tool for the problem from my equipment belt and climbed up on top of the wing where I could begin to fix the problem. After a while of fixing the rotational system on the wing I heard someone calling out behind me, and they were by the sound of it getting closer and closer.

"Hey! Hey! Wait a minute here! What do you think you're doing?!"

I looked behind me and saw a clone pilot walk up to the wing with his helmet underneath one of his arms. I brought my hands down and bent down on the wing since I was a bit higher up than him.

"What do you mean? I'm fixing your S-foil..?"

He looked at me with bewildered eyes and then at the rotational system.

"The rotational system?! There's nothing wrong with it!"

The one arm that wasn't holding his helmet was flailing around and his voice was a bit loud causing a few nearby troopers to look over at us with wondering eyes.

"Yes there is, how it originally was is how the S-foil is supposed to be. But since this is an ARC model for both reconnaissance and aggressive attacks it will only cramp it up when you activate it. Meaning you are basically setting a trap for yourself."

He relaxed slightly and looked back at the system I was redoing to think it over. Slowly but surely he started to nod his head and huffed as a smile made its way to his lips.

"I can't believe it, you're right. I'm sorry for yelling at you..?"


"Wait, (Y/N)? As in the chief mechanic..?"


I nodded my head and stood back up on the wing to make the final adjustment. He was stuttering a little out of embarrassment as he realized that he had just yelled at the chief mechanic who most likely knew what they're doing. I chuckled at him a little before speaking again to him,

"Don't worry about it, everyone makes mistakes. What's your name, pilot?"

I was just finished when I asked him the question and jumped down from the wing so I could stand in front of him instead. He stood straight and saluted me,

"The name's Hawk, sir!"

"Well Hawk, nice to meet you. Since this is probably your fighter, would you mind getting in and activating the S-foils for me?"

Dar'solus  [Captain Rex x reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon