Chapter 46 - Aranar

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"Aranar" = "Defend"

Heavy limbs. Aching head. Blurry eyes. Numbnilling, great. I couldn't do anything to move, the serum was painfully effective. At the time it felt like my consciousness was freely floating around in my skull. Body not responding and nothing to see but a void with darkened colours flashing strange patterns behind my eyelids. Although my mind was fuzzy with pain and the serum stirring it around to not make me fully aware of my surroundings, one thing stood out starkly against it all; Ahsoka.

As I regained feeling in my head and neck, I felt my throat close up. Not because of the serum, but because sorrow and panic was now taking over. The anxiety grabbed a hold of the Numbnilling and started dragging it away from me to replace it. Limb by limb I was freed. As my eyes came to focus on the surroundings around me, I craned my neck to search my surroundings for any sign of her. Sharp pains of stiffness shot throughout my spine as I clawed myself up to lean on my elbows, croaking out her name, "A-Ahsoka..?"

A matted source of light gently illuminated the room. But the square room was slightly too big for the light to banish all the shadows. Groaning from pain I pushed myself to keep going, even though I was crumbling in on myself from the serum desperately trying to keep me shackled. I had too.

"Ahsoka?!" my call bounced around the bare walls and taunted me with its lack of response. Tears blurred my vision again and my chest tightened. No. No, no, no this ISN'T REAL! I have to find her.

Dragging myself up along one of the walls to try and stand, I searched the room for her, mumbling words of desperation to any divinity willing to listen, "Ahsoka.. come on, Ka'ra. Don't do this to me... don't do this..."

As the seconds passed and I slowly dragged myself along the wall to sweep the entire room; hope was slowly draining. Slowly simmering out, leaving behind its weak apologies for not staying longer. Pathetic, is it not?

Shaking my head I stumbled onwards, refusing to give up when I fell to the floor. I was too weak to catch myself and felt pain blossom in my shoulder. Heaving in stale air I tried to keep the sorrow at bay. I was not done trying to find–

"Ahsoka!" just a metre in front of me I caught sight of her familiar boots. Determination flooded me with strength as I scrambled my way up to her. The previous pain seemed to become subdued by my desperation as I shook her shoulders, tears falling, "Ahsoka! Please come on, come on!"

No responses. Completely still.

"Come on Ka'ra! PLEASE!"

I hauled her up into my arms and pressed her tightly against my chest, her head lulling to the side on my shoulder. One hand on the back of her head and one around her waist I rocked gently back and forth, "Ahsoka, p-please... Wake up! C-Come on, y-you can't l-leave me. W-We still n-need you..."

Grief clawed up my throat and clogged my mind. Crying uncontrollably and rocking her I knew that I had failed. She was only a padawan. So much life ahead of her. How could I ever look Anakin in the eyes after this? I got his padawan killed. I failed to protect her when it was my duty. Weak. We were sent to locate Grievous together, the only reason she was sent too was because I was supposed to protect her. This is why I don't belong in war. I should have left the temple long ago. Gone so far away where no one could–


My heart stopped. Had I hallucinated? I didn't dare to breathe, fearing that my mind had lost it all and begun tormenting me with fake sounds.

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